> On Jul 14, 2017, at 7:24 PM, Taylor Swift <kelvin1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For the sake of argument, I’m gonna claim that instead, 
> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer is the low level necessity, and 
> UnsafeMutablePointer is the low level convenience structure.
> Suppose that every block of memory has a starting point, and a length. An 
> UnsafeBufferPointer represents that, since all an UnsafeBufferPointer is, is 
> a start address, and a length value, bundled together into one variable 
> instead of two. Then we can say that UnsafePointer is a special case of 
> UnsafeBufferPointer, where the length value is unknown.
> Mind you I didn’t say that the length value equals 1. But it might as well 
> be. Because when the length is unknown, the only index where you can 
> reasonably expect there to be a valid value is index zero. You wouldn’t feel 
> confident trying to do something to the memory address 3 strides down from 
> the pointer. If you did feel confident doing that, well now you have a length 
> value. The length value is 4. Your regular Pointer is now a BufferPointer.
> The only reason any of this matters, is because all of our memory and 
> memorystate -related functions take size arguments. You have to fill in the 
> size argument with something. That something is the buffer `count`. Even if 
> you don’t actually know the number for the `count`, you still have to supply 
> some value, in which case the “only” sensible choice is “1”. That’s why you 
> could argue that UnsafePointer is just a special case of a buffer pointer 
> where `count` is 1. The UnsafePointer API demands information that only 
> BufferPointers know. You could design an API where buffer pointers are the 
> only pointers that exist, and everything would still work fine. Just because 
> they have high-level capabilities doesn’t mean they can’t do everything plain 
> pointers can do just as efficiently. A plain pointer takes up one word of 
> storage, and you use another word of storage yourself to track the size. A 
> buffer pointer stores the two words next to each other. You could ignore the 
> size word and track the size yourself, taking up three words of storage, but 
> that would just be silly.
> But wait! I don’t need to track the size, you say! The pointer just points to 
> one item! I just need the address word, not the size word! Well, yeah. That’s 
> why I proposed a sizeless singular pointer API, so you don’t have to go 
> around plugging “1”s everywhere and save yourself a word of storage. You can 
> argue that’s the actual high-level API, since it abstracts away the length 
> stuff. But if “1” isn’t your answer to the question “on how many instances 
> should this method operate on”, go back to paragraph 3 and convince yourself 
> that what you really have is an buffer pointer, not a plain pointer.
> Now I thought of an exception to this, like when you’re assigning 8-bit RGBA 
> values to an image buffer and it might make sense to write something like 
> this in the current API:
> let size:Int = height * width << 2
> let base = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: size) 
> defer 
> {
>     base.deallocate(capacity: -314159) // anything goes
> }
> var pixel:UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> = base
> while pixel < base + size 
> {
>     pixel.initialize(from: bg_color_rgba, count: 4)
>     pixel += 4
> }
> And it’s convenient to be able to initialize 4 instances at a time without 
> creating a 4-count buffer pointer. But this doesn’t really contradict my 
> point if you think carefully. The groups of 4 RGBA values are your atom here, 
> you’re not really working on 4 instances at a time with a stride 1 UInt8 big, 
> you’re working on 1 single instance at a time with a stride 4 UInt8s big. 
> Writing this is currently painful without the sized UnsafeMutablePointer API, 
> but I think this is a deficiency of the UnsafeMutableBufferPointer API and 
> that of its slice type, not a reason for keeping the sized 
> UnsafeMutablePointer API, which if you ask me is a hack to get around the 
> fact that we can’t use buffer pointer slices easily.
> Anyway, I mention all of this only because everyone seems convinced that 
> UnsafePointer is supposed to be “edgier” than UnsafeBufferPointer. If you 
> have ideas to make this better, by all means share them

UnsafeBufferPointer was developed to add safety and convenience on top of 
UnsafePointer. That’s just a historical fact, not necessarily detracting from 
your argument.

The problem with your use case above is that UnsafePointer doesn’t get the 
debug-mode bounds checks.

There’s an argument to be made for keeping the UnsafePointer API complete (as a 
single point of truth for the memory model), and an argument to be made for 
removing it (it’s not the *right* API to use in nearly all cases). I would be 
fine with either approach and people can argue it out. At the moment I would 
lean toward not breaking source for something that isn’t a critical problem for 
the language.

That doesn’t need to be resolved to make UnsafeBufferPointer clean and 


> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 2:27 PM, Michael Ilseman <milse...@apple.com 
> <mailto:milse...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> On Jul 13, 2017, at 6:55 PM, Taylor Swift via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 6:56 PM, Andrew Trick <atr...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:atr...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>> On Jul 12, 2017, at 12:16 PM, Taylor Swift via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi all, I’ve written up a proposal to modify the unsafe pointer API for 
>>> greater consistency, safety, and ease of use.
>>> ~~~
>>> Swift currently offers two sets of pointer types — singular pointers such 
>>> as UnsafeMutablePointer, and vector (buffer) pointers such as 
>>> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer. This implies a natural separation of tasks the 
>>> two kinds of pointers are meant to do. For example, buffer pointers 
>>> implement Collection conformance, while singular pointers do not.
>>> However, some aspects of the pointer design contradict these implied roles. 
>>> It is possible to allocate an arbitrary number of instances from a type 
>>> method on a singular pointer, but not from a buffer pointer. The result of 
>>> such an operation returns a singular pointer, even though a buffer pointer 
>>> would be more appropriate to capture the information about the number of 
>>> instances allocated. It’s possible to subscript into a singular pointer, 
>>> even though they are not real Collections. Some parts of the current design 
>>> turn UnsafePointers into downright DangerousPointers, leading users to 
>>> believe that they have allocated or freed memory when in fact, they have 
>>> not.
>>> This proposal seeks to iron out these inconsistencies, and offer a more 
>>> convenient, more sensible, and less bug-prone API for Swift pointers.
>>> <https://gist.github.com/kelvin13/a9c033193a28b1d4960a89b25fbffb06 
>>> <https://gist.github.com/kelvin13/a9c033193a28b1d4960a89b25fbffb06>>
>>> ~~~
>> Thanks for taking time to write this up.
>> General comments:
>> UnsafeBufferPointer is an API layer on top of UnsafePointer. The role
>> of UnsafeBufferPointer is direct memory access sans lifetime
>> management with Collection semantics. The role of UnsafePointer is
>> primarily C interop. Those C APIs should be wrapped in Swift APIs that
>> take UnsafeBufferPointer whenever the pointer represents a C array. I
>> suppose making UnsafePointer less convenient would push developers
>> toward UnsafeBufferPointer. I don't think that's worth outright
>> breaking source, but gradual deprecation of convenience methods, like
>> `susbscript` might be acceptable.
>> Gradual deprecation is exactly what I am proposing. As the document states 
>> <https://gist.github.com/kelvin13/a9c033193a28b1d4960a89b25fbffb06#proposed-solution>,
>>  the only methods which should be marked immediately as unavailable are the 
>> `deallocate(capacity:)` methods, for safety and source compatibility 
>> reasons. Removing `deallocate(capacity:)` now and forcing a loud compiler 
>> error prevents catastrophic *silent* source breakage in the future, or 
>> worse, from having to *support our own bug*.
>> I have mixed feelings about stripping UnsafePointer of basic
>> functionality. Besides breaking source, doing that would be
>> inconsistent with its role as a lower API layer. The advantage would
>> just be descreasing API surface area and forcing developers to use a
>> higher-level API.
>> UnsafePointer is as much a high level API as UnsafeBufferPointer is. You 
>> wouldn’t create a buffer pointer of length 1 just so you can “stick with the 
>> high level API”. UnsafePointer and UnsafeBufferPointer are two tools that do 
>> related but different things and they can exist at whatever abstract level 
>> you need them at. After all, UnsafeBufferPointer is nothing but an 
>> UnsafePointer? with a length value attached to it. If you’re allocating more 
>> than one instance of memory, you almost certainly need to track the length 
>> of the buffer anyway.
> I disagree. UnsafePointer can be viewed as the low level representation of 
> Swift’s memory model. UnsafeBufferPointer is a convenient facility for 
> programming at this level, as illustrated by e.g. RandomAccessCollection 
> conformance. One could drop UnsafeBufferPointer from the standard library 
> without compromising Swift’s core capabilities, it would just be a large 
> convenience regression.
> UnsafePointer is a low level necessity; UnsafeBufferPointer is a low level 
> convenience.
>> The additive changes you propose are fairly obvious. See [SR-3088]
>> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer doesn't have an allocating init.
>> I haven't wanted to waste review cycles on small additive
>> changes. It may make sense to batch them up into one coherent
>> proposal. Here are a few more to consider.
>> - [SR-3929] UnsafeBufferPointer should have init from mutable
>> - [SR-4340] UnsafeBufferPointer needs a withMemoryRebound method
>> - [SR-3087] No way to arbitrarily initialise an Array's storage
>> The feature requests you mention are all very valuable, however with 
>> Michael’s point about fixing the memorystate API’s, the size of this 
>> proposal has already grown to encompass dozens of methods in five types. I 
>> think this says a lot about just how broken the current system is
> I fail to see how the current system is broken. It accurately reflects 
> Swift’s memory model while providing the facilities to stay in the bounds of 
> defined behavior. I do agree that it would be far more convenient for 
> UnsafeBufferPointer to provide allocation/deallocation and 
> initialization/deinitialization convenience functionality as well, as I’ve 
> often wanted it myself.
>> , but I think it’s better to try to fix one class of problems at a time, and 
>> save the less closely-related issues for separate proposals.
> These seem very closely related. Isn’t the overall goal of this proposal to 
> have API parity for UnsafeBufferPointer?
>> Point by point:
>> > drop the capacity parameter from UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate() and 
>> > deallocate().
>> I do not agree with removing the capacity parameter and adding a
>> single-instance allocation API. UnsafePointer was not designed for
>> single instances, it was primarily designed for C-style arrays. I
>> don't see the value in providing a different unsafe API for single
>> vs. multiple values.
>> Although it’s common to *receive* Unsafe__Pointers from C API’s, it’s rare 
>> to *create* them from the Swift side. 95% of the time your Swift data lives 
>> in a Swift Array, and you use withUnsafePointer(_:) to send them to the C 
>> API, or just pass them directly with Array bridging. 
>> The only example I can think of where I had to allocate memory from the 
>> Swift side to pass to a C API is when I was using the Cairo C library and I 
>> wanted the Swift code to own the image buffer backing the Cairo C structs 
>> and I wanted to manage the memory manually to prevent the buffer backing 
>> from getting deallocated prematurely. I think I ended up using 
>> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer and extracting baseAddresses to manage the 
>> memory. This proposal tries to mitigate that pain of extracting 
>> baseAddresses by giving buffer pointers their own memory management methods.
>> As for the UnsafePointers you get from C APIs, they almost always come with 
>> a size (or you specify it beforehand with a parameter) so you’re probably 
>> going to be turning them into UnsafeBufferPointers anyway.
>> I also have to say it’s not common to deallocate something in Swift that you 
>> didn’t previously allocate in Swift. 
> I’m not sure it is even defined to use `deallocate` on memory that wasn’t 
> `allocated` in Swift. Andy, thoughts here? Perhaps more clarity in 
> deallocate’s documentation is needed?
>> I agree the primary allocation API should be
>> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer.allocate(capacity:). There is an argument
>> to be made for removing UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate(capacity:)
>> entirely. But, as Michael Ilseman pointed out, that would involve
>> reevaluating several other members of the UnsafePointer API. I think
>> it's reasonable for UnsafePointer to retain all its functionality as a
>> lower level API.
>> I think duplication of functionality is something to be avoided if possible.
> You have to weigh duplication against convenience. If avoiding duplication is 
> more important, then we should keep the APIs only on UnsafePointer. But, I 
> would prefer convenience in this scenario.
>> I don't understand what is misleading about
>> UnsafePointer.deallocate(capacity:). It *is* inconvenienent for the
>> user to keep track of memory capacity. Presumably that was done so
>> either the implementation can move away from malloc/free or some sort
>> of memory tracking can be implemented on the standard library
>> side. Obviously, UnsafeBufferPointer.deallocate() would be cleaner in
>> most cases.
>> It’s misleading because it plain doesn’t deallocate `capacity` instances. It 
>> deletes the whole memory block regardless of what you pass in the capacity 
>> argument. If the implementation is ever “fixed” so that it actually 
>> deallocates `capacity` instances, suddenly every source that uses 
>> `deallocate(capacity:)` will break, and *no one will know* until their app 
>> starts mysteriously crashing. If the method is not removed, we will have to 
>> support this behavior to avoid breaking sources, and basically say “yes the 
>> argument label says it deallocates a capacity, but what it *really* does is 
>> free the whole block and we can’t fix it because existing code assumes this 
>> behavior”.
> Note that many of these things are basically programming at the memory 
> semantics level, not necessarily at a execution level.
>> > add an allocate(count:) type method to UnsafeMutableBufferPointer
>> `capacity` should be used for allocating uninitialized memory not
>> `count`. `count` should only refer to a number of initialized objects!
>> We can decide on what the correct term should be, but the current state of 
>> Swift pointers is that *neither* convention is being followed. Just look at 
>> the API for UnsafeMutableRawPointer. It’s a mess. This proposal at the 
>> minimum establishes a consistent convention. It can be revised if you feel 
>> `capacity` is more appropriate than `count`. If what you mean is that it’s 
>> important to maintain the distinction between “initialized counts” and 
>> “uninitialized counts”, well that can be revised in too.
> So I just looked over all of the APIs, and they are very consistent in their 
> use of `count` and `capacity`. Where are you seeing a violation?
>> > add a deallocate() instance method to UnsafeMutableBufferPointer
>> Yes, of course! I added a mention of that in SR-3088.
>> > remove subscripts from UnsafePointer and UnsafeMutablePointer
>> It's often more clear to perform arithmetic on C array indices rather
>> than pointers. That said, I'm happy to push developers to use
>> UnsafeBufferPointer whenever that have a known capacity. To me, this
>> is a question of whether the benefit of making a dangerous thing less
>> convenient is worth breaking source compatibility.
>> Again, I think this is more about what the real use patterns are. If you are 
>> subscripting into a C array with integers, then UnsafeBufferPointer is the 
>> tool for the job, since it give you Collection conformance. If you can’t 
>> make an UnsafeBufferPointer, it’s probably because you don’t know the length 
>> of the array, and so you’re probably iterating through it one element at a 
>> time. UnsafeMutablePointer.successor() is perfect for this job. If you want 
>> to extract or set fields at fixed but irregular offsets, UnsafeRawPointer is 
>> the tool for the job. But I’m hard-pressed to think of a use case for random 
>> access into a singular typed pointer.
> I’m also very interested in more convenience facilities for low level 
> programming and I view UnsafeBufferPointer as the first low level convenience 
> construct. The point of the very careful dance that the Unsafe*Pointers go 
> through is to help the programmer avoid unwittingly falling into undefined 
> behavior.
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