I don’t think a Cog-like or Gyb-like macro system would be good. That’s 
essentially a preprocessor and we all know how that worked out for C. The only 
a code-generation feature can exist in a safe language like Swift is by making 
it a first-class citizen as described previously. I’m not sure whether or not 
the core team would consider such a thing, bit I am very certain that a 
text-based macro system is something they’d never consider.

> On Jul 30, 2017, at 8:54 PM, Christopher Kornher <ckorn...@me.com> wrote:
> I assume that the planned “hygienic macro” facility, if it has access to 
> metadata, or “annotations", could be used for these sorts of meta tasks, .
> This is slightly off-topic, but I hope that there is a way for macros to be 
> fully expanded and debuggable (and even formatted). I use Cog with Swift as a 
> kind of "macro-system on steroids” that provides these features. I would love 
> to see a Cog-like system included as a standard feature of the language in 
> the future. It could be a component of annotations, macros, or both.
> I would like to see a source code generation pre-pass added for annotations, 
> and hopefully macros when they arrive, so that developers can see, debug, and 
> code against the expanded code. I realize that may be difficult or even 
> impossible for some macros.
> GOG uses Python as its macro language, which is certainly compatible with 
> Apple’s toolchain. Using a real programming language for annotations, is 
> extremely powerful.
> The danger of adding a macro system too early, is that it can be used as a 
> “cheat” to implement functionality that should be part of the base language 
> and discourage language development. I trust that the core team will not let 
> this happen.
> See Cog: 
> https://nedbatchelder.com/code/cog/ <https://nedbatchelder.com/code/cog/>
> A fully integrated Cog-like facility this should have language support to 
> cleanup the (pretty ugly) delimiters and eventually tool support to 
> selectively toggle expansion, as we can today with code blocks, for example, 
> in many tools.
> I don’t mean to derail this discussion, but it seems that an annotation or 
> macro system would be appropriate for this kind of feature.
> - Chris
>> On Jul 30, 2017, at 11:03 AM, Gor Gyolchanyan via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Tino Heth:
>> If you read my reply to Daniel Vollmer, you’ll find that we’re thinking 
>> about the exact same thing. Your code snippers show my vision of compiletime 
>> beautifully 🙂.
>> Now what I really want at this point is to here the opinions of the core 
>> team on this topic.
>> Swift Core Team:
>> Have you guys thought of this? Do you think this is a good idea to put on 
>> the table or do you have different plans?
>>> On Jul 30, 2017, at 7:56 PM, Tino Heth <2...@gmx.de <mailto:2...@gmx.de>> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> more elaborate compile-time facilities, which would also provide extremely 
>>>> powerful meta programming features
>>> That's an interesting twist — but whenever you put a "meta" somewhere, 
>>> things tend to get complicated, and people end up with different 
>>> associations to the topic… ;-)
>>> I took a brief look at the C++ document, but it seemed still to much 
>>> macro-like to me.
>>> My take on the topic would be he ability to express common programming 
>>> tasks (declaring a class, overriding a method…) in the language itself.
>>> Imagine
>>> public class ProxyViewController: UIView {}
>>> Could be written as
>>> let subclass = createClass(classname: "ProxyViewController", superclass: 
>>> UIViewController, accessLevel: .public)
>>> Quite stupid at first sight, and basically the exact opposite of syntactic 
>>> sugar ("syntactic salt" already has a meaning… so I'd call it "syntactic 
>>> pepper" ;-).
>>> But now imagine that:
>>> for (method, implementation) in UIViewController.methods where 
>>> method.accessLevel == .open {
>>>     subclass.methods[method] = { parameters in
>>>         print("Subclass method \(method) called with \(parameters)")
>>>         return implementation(parameters)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> Not that stupid anymore, isn't it?
>>> I think this would be way cooler than poking around with variants of search 
>>> & replace…
>>> - Tino
>>> (to get syntax colouring, I wrote ~30 lines of Swift that turn the straw 
>>> man example into valid code… it's fun, maybe I play with it a little bit 
>>> more ;-)
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