> On Jul 31, 2017, at 10:09 PM, John McCall <rjmcc...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 31, 2017, at 3:15 AM, Gor Gyolchanyan <gor.f.gyolchan...@icloud.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Jul 31, 2017, at 7:10 AM, John McCall via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> On Jul 30, 2017, at 11:43 PM, Daryle Walker <dary...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> The parameters for a fixed-size array type determine the type's 
>>>> size/stride, so how could the bounds not be needed during compile-time? 
>>>> The compiler can't layout objects otherwise. 
>>> Swift is not C; it is perfectly capable of laying out objects at run time.  
>>> It already has to do that for generic types and types with resilient 
>>> members.  That does, of course, have performance consequences, and those 
>>> performance consequences might be unacceptable to you; but the fact that we 
>>> can handle it means that we don't ultimately require a semantic concept of 
>>> a constant expression, except inasmuch as we want to allow users to 
>>> explicitly request guarantees about static layout.
>> Doesn't this defeat the purpose of generic value parameters? We might as 
>> well use a regular parameter if there's no compile-time evaluation involved. 
>> In that case, fixed-sized arrays will be useless, because they'll be normal 
>> arrays with resizing disabled.
> You're making huge leaps here.  The primary purpose of a fixed-size array 
> feature is to allow the array to be allocated "inline" in its context instead 
> of "out-of-line" using heap-allocated copy-on-write buffers.  There is no 
> reason that that representation would not be supportable just because the 
> array's bound is not statically known; the only thing that matters is whether 
> the bound is consistent for all instances of the container.
> That is, it would not be okay to have a type like:
>  struct Widget {
>    let length: Int
>    var array: [length x Int]
>  }
> because the value of the bound cannot be computed independently of a specific 
> value.
> But it is absolutely okay to have a type like:
>  struct Widget {
>    var array: [(isRunningOnIOS15() ? 20 : 10) x Int]
>  }
> It just means that the bound would get computed at runtime and, presumably, 
> cached.  The fact that this type's size isn't known statically does mean that 
> the compiler has to be more pessimistic, but its values would still get 
> allocated inline into their containers and even on the stack, using pretty 
> much the same techniques as C99 VLAs.

I see your point. Dynamically-sized in-place allocation is something that 
completely escaped me when I was thinking of fixed-size arrays. I can say with 
confidence that a large portion of private-class-copy-on-write value types 
would greatly benefit from this and would finally be able to become true value 

>> As far as I know, the pinnacle of uses for fixed-size arrays is having a 
>> compile-time pre-allocated space of the necessary size (either literally at 
>> compile-time if that's a static variable, or added to the pre-computed 
>> offset of the stack pointer in case of a local variable).
> The difference between having to use dynamic offsets + alloca() and static 
> offsets + a normal stack slot is noticeable but not nearly as extreme as 
> you're imagining.  And again, in most common cases we would absolutely be 
> able to fold a bound statically and fall into the optimal path you're talking 
> about.  The critical guarantee, that the array does not get heap-allocated, 
> is still absolutely intact.

Yet again, Swift (specifically - you in this case) is teaching me to trust the 
compiler to optimize, which is still an alien feeling to me even after all 
these years of heavy Swift usage. Damn you, C++ for corrupting my brain 😀.
In the specific case of having dynamic-sized in-place-allocated value types 
this will absolutely work. But this raises a chicken-and-the-egg problem: which 
is built in what: in-place allocated dynamic-sized value types, or specifically 
fixed-size arrays? On one hand I'm tempted to think that value types should be 
able to dynamically decide (inside the initializer) the exact size of the 
allocated memory (no less than the static size) that they occupy (no matter if 
on the heap, on the stack or anywhere else), after which they'd be able to 
access the "leftover" memory by a pointer and do whatever they want with it. 
This approach seems more logical, since this is essentially how fixed-size 
arrays would be implemented under the hood. But on the other hand, this does 
make use of unsafe pointers (and no part of Swift currently relies on unsafe 
pointers to function), so abstracting it away behind a magical fixed-size array 
seems safer (with a hope that a fixed-size array of UInt8 would be optimized 
down to exactly the first case).

>>> Value equality would still affect the type-checker, but I think we could 
>>> pretty easily just say that all bound expressions are assumed to 
>>> potentially resolve unequally unless they are literals or references to the 
>>> same 'let' constant.
>> Shouldn't the type-checker use the Equatable protocol conformance to test 
>> for equality?
> The Equatable protocol does guarantee reflexivity.
>> Moreover, as far as I know, Equatable is not recognized by the compiler in 
>> any way, so it's just a regular protocol.
> That's not quite true: we synthesize Equatable instances in several places.
>> What would make it special? Some types would implement operator == to 
>> compare themselves to other types, that's beyond the scope of Equatable. 
>> What about those? And how are custom operator implementations going to serve 
>> this purpose at compile-time? Or will it just ignore the semantics of the 
>> type and reduce it to a sequence of bits? Or maybe only a few hand-picked 
>> types will be supported?
>> The seemingly simple generic value parameter concept gets vastly complicated 
>> and/or poorly designed without an elaborate compile-time execution system... 
>> Unless I'm missing an obvious way out.
> The only thing the compiler really *needs* to know is whether two types are 
> known to be the same, i.e. whether two values are known to be the same.

I think having arbitrary value-type literals would be a great place to start. 
Currently there are only these types of literals:
        * nil
        * boolean
        * integer
        * floating-point
        * string, extended grapheme cluster, unicode scalar
        * array
        * dictionary

The last three of which are kinda weird because they're not really literals, 
because they can contains dynamically generated values.
If value types were permitted to have a special kind of initializer (I'll call 
it literal initializer for now), which only allows directly assigning to its 
stored properties or self form parameters with no operations, then that 
initializer could be used to produce a compile-time literal of that value type. 
A similar special equality operator would only allow directly comparing stored 
properties between two literal-capable value types.

struct Foo {
        literal init(one: Int, two: Float) {
                self.one = one
                self.two = two  

        let one: Int

        let two: Float


literal static func ==  (_ some: Foo, _ other: Foo) -> Bool {
        return some.one == other.one && some.two == other.two

only assignment would be allowed in the initializer and only equality check and 
boolean operations would be allowed inside the equality operator. These 
limitations would guarantee completely deterministic literal creation and 
equality conformance at compile-time.
Types that conform to _BuiltinExpressibleBy*Literal would be magically equipped 
with both of these.
String, array and dictionary literals would be unavailable.

> An elaborate compile-time execution system would not be sufficient here, 
> because again, Swift is not C or C++: we need to be able to answer that 
> question even in generic code rather than relying on the ability to fold all 
> computations statically.  We do not want to add an algebraic solver to the 
> type-checker.  The obvious alternative is to simply be conservatively correct 
> by treating independent complex expressions as always yielding different 
> values.

How exactly does generic type resolution happen? Obviously, it's not all 
compile-time, since it has to deal with existential containers. Without 
customizable generic resolution, I don't see a way to implement satisfactory 
generic value parameters. But if we settle on magical fixed-size arrays, we 
wouldn't need generic value parameters, we would only need to support 
constraining the size of the array with Comparable operators:

func  foo<T>(_ array: T) where T: [Int], T.count == 5 {
        // ...

let array: [5 of Int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

>>> The only hard constraint is that types need to be consistent, but that just 
>>> means that we need to have a model in which bound expressions are evaluated 
>>> exactly once at runtime (and of course typically folded at compile time).
>> What exactly would it take to be able to execute select piece of code at 
>> compile-time? Taking the AST, converting it to LLVM IR and feeding it to the 
>> MCJIT engine seems to be easy enough. But I'm pretty sure it's more tricky 
>> than that. Is there a special assumption or two made about the code that 
>> prevents this from happening?
> We already have the ability to fold simple expressions in SIL; we would just 
> make sure that could handle anything that we considered really important and 
> allow everything else to be handled dynamically.

So, with some minor adjustments, we could get a well-defined subset of Swift 
that can be executed at compile-time to yield values that would pass as 
literals in any context?
This would some day allow relaxing the limitations on literal initializers and 
literal equality operators by pre-computing and caching values at compile-time 
outside the scope of the type checker, allowing the type checker to stay 
simple, while essentially allowing generics with complex resolution logic.

> John.
>>> John.
>>>> Or do you mean that the bounds are integer literals? (That's what I have 
>>>> in the design document now.)
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jul 30, 2017, at 8:51 PM, John McCall <rjmcc...@apple.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Jul 29, 2017, at 7:01 PM, Daryle Walker via swift-evolution 
>>>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>>> The “constexpr” facility from C++ allows users to define constants and 
>>>>>> functions that are determined and usable at compile-time, for 
>>>>>> compile-time constructs but still usable at run-time. The facility is a 
>>>>>> key step for value-based generic parameters (and fixed-size arrays if 
>>>>>> you don’t want to be stuck with integer literals for bounds). Can 
>>>>>> figuring out Swift’s story here be part of Swift 5?
>>>>> Note that there's no particular reason that value-based generic 
>>>>> parameters, including fixed-size arrays, actually need to be constant 
>>>>> expressions in Swift.
>>>>> John.
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