> Say we split up Foundation's enums roughly into categories. You have your 
> policies (NSURLCacheStoragePolicy, NSDateFormatterStyle), states/answers 
> (NSURLSessionTaskState, NSQualityOfService), and, well, lists 
> (NSSearchPathDirectory, NSStringEncoding). Given those, I’d say protocols, 
> generics, and zero-cost abstractions are frequently a better choice (but not 
> always). For instance, IMHO a closed protocol better models commonly-used 
> styles.
I agree a lot that enums are not nearly as useful as they seem at first sight, 
and I know I'm not the only one who started with an enum-based solution and 
realised later that it doesn't work out as expected.
But I didn't encounter that with enums in Foundation — obviously, because I'm 
not writing Foundation code ;-), so could you give some concrete examples where 
the different alternatives would be a better fit?
My experience is that enums loose their appeal quickly when you want to attach 
behaviour or properties to the different cases… but I think closed protocols 
would also be just a workaround, inferior compared with case classes and ad-hoc 
union types. 

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