Just leaving it out here that the iOS/macOS app experience with paths is likely to be 
very different from the server (or system program) experience. Most of your paths are 
relative to a container because the effective root of your data is the container. I would 
tend to believe that a lot of your paths, not while fully static, could be expressed with 
something like "${DOCUMENTS}/static/part", where ${DOCUMENTS} is the only thing 
that effectively changes. A system-level program just happens to use / as its prefix.

Most platforms already have some notion of file domains, which are really just 
path prefixes (the user's home folder, the file system root, the network root, 
etc). I think that some level of support for these would be desirable (would it 
be only a set of functions that return different path prefixes). It's also my 
humble opinion that tilde expansion should be part of a larger shell expansion 
feature to avoid surprises.

I think that I support the conclusion.


Le 22 août 2017 à 12:02, Dave DeLong <del...@apple.com> a écrit :

I suppose, if you squint at it weirdly.

My current Path API is a “Path” protocol, with “AbsolutePath” and 
“RelativePath” struct versions. The protocol defines a path to be an array of 
path components. The only real difference between an AbsolutePath and a 
RelativePath is that all file system operations would only take an 
AbsolutePath. A URL would also only provide an AbsolutePath as its “path” bit.

public enum PathComponent {
    case this // “."
    case up   // “..” 
    case item(name: String, extension: String?)

public protocol Path {   
    var components: Array<PathComponent> { get }
    init(_ components: Array<PathComponent>) // used on protocol extensions 
that mutate paths, such as appending components

public struct AbsolutePath: Path { }
public struct RelativePath: Path { }

By separating out the concept of an Absolute and a Relative path, I can put 
additional functionality on each one to make semantic sense (you cannot 
concatenate two absolute paths, but you can concat any path with a relative 
path, for example). Or all file system operations must take an AbsolutePath. 

One of the key things I realized is that a “Path” type should not be 
ExpressibleByStringLiteral, because you cannot statically determine if a Path 
should be absolute or relative. However, one of the initializers for an 
AbsolutePath would handle things like expanding a tilde, and both types try to 
reduce a set of components as much as possible (by filtering out “.this” 
components, and handling “.up” components where possible, etc). Also in my 
experience, it’s fairly rare to want to deal with a known-at-compile-time, 
hard-coded path. Usually you’re dealing with paths relative to known 
“containers” that are determined at runtime (current user’s home folder, app’s 
sandboxed documents directory, etc).

Another thing I’ve done is that no direct file system operations exist on 
AbsolutePath (like “.exists” or “.createDirectory(…)” or whatever); those are 
still on FileManager/FileHandle/etc in the form of extensions to handle the new 
types. In my app, a path is just a path, and it only has meaning based on the 
thing that is using it. An AbsolutePath for a URL is used differently than an 
AbsolutePath on a file system, although they are represented with the same 
“AbsolutePath” type.

I’m not saying this is a perfect API of course, or even that a hypothetical 
stdlib-provided Path should mimic this. I’m just saying that for my use-case, 
this has vastly simplified how I deal with paths, because both URL and String 
smell really bad for what I’m doing.


On Aug 22, 2017, at 12:37 PM, Taylor Swift <kelvin1...@gmail.com> wrote:
So are you saying we need three distinct “URI” types for local-absolute, 
local-relative, and remote? That’s a lot of API surface to support.

On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Dave DeLong <del...@apple.com> wrote:
I completely agree. URL packs a lot of punch, but IMO it’s the wrong 
abstraction for file system paths.

I maintain an app that deals a lot with file system paths, and using URL has 
always felt cumbersome, but String is the absolute wrong type to use. Lately as 
I’ve been working on it, I’ve been experimenting with a concrete “Path” type, 
similar to PathKit (https://github.com/kylef/PathKit/). Working in terms of 
AbsolutePath and RelativePath (what I’ve been calling things) has been 
extremely refreshing, because it allows me to better articulate the kind of 
data I’m dealing with. URL doesn’t handle pure-relative paths very well, and 
it’s always a bit of a mystery how resilient I need to be about checking 
.isFileURL or whatever. All the extra properties (port, user, password, host) 
feel hugely unnecessary as well.


On Aug 20, 2017, at 11:23 PM, Félix Cloutier via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

I'm not convinced that URLs are the appropriate abstraction for a file system 
path. For the record, I'm not a fan of existing Foundation methods that create 
objects from an URL. There is a useful and fundamental difference between a 
local path and a remote path, and conflating the two has been a security pain 
point in many languages and frameworks that allow it. Examples include remote 
file inclusion in PHP and malicious doctypes in XML. Windows also had its share 
of issues with UNC paths.

Even when loading an arbitrary URL looks innocuous, many de-anonymizing hacks 
work by causing a program to access an URL controlled by an attacker to make it 
disclose the user's IP address or some other identifier.

IMO, this justifies that there should be separate types to handle local and 
remote resources, so that at least developers have to be explicit about 
allowing remote resources. This makes a new URL type less necessary towards 
supporting file I/O.


Le 20 août 2017 à 21:37, Taylor Swift via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org> a écrit :

Okay so a few days ago there was a discussion about getting pure swift file system 
support into Foundation or another core library, and in my opinion, doing this 
requires a total overhaul of the `URL` type (which is currently little more than a 
wrapper for NSURL), so I’ve just started a pure Swift URL library project at 

The library’s parsing and validation core (~1K loc pure swift) is already in 
place and functional; the goal is to eventually support all of the Foundation 
URL functionality.

The new `URL` type is implemented as a value type with utf8 storage backed by 
an array buffer. The URLs are just 56 bytes long each, so they should be able 
to fit into cache lines. (NSURL by comparison is over 128 bytes in size; it’s 
only saved by the fact that the thing is passed as a reference type.)

As I said, this is still really early on and not a mature library at all but 
everyone is invited to observe, provide feedback, or contribute!
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