I've been waiting for this for years. Literally since Swift was announced. IMO 
it's one of several major gaps in the language.

Some thoughts:
- It should be a simple array. 
        - By far the most simple solution, and the one I (and, I'd guess, 
others) would expect.
        - Every time I've needed the count, I need the actual values either 
within the same method or within the same run loop (e.g. table view).
        - In my experience, direct indexing into the values array is more 
common than iterating over it.
        - Rarely more than a few cases.
        - Even an enum with a lot of cases, the actual number is trivial 
compared to the program's memory usage.
        - No compiler magic beyond spitting out the static array. How do you 
propose to generate on-demand a sequence of values without compiler magic and 
without the values being stored somewhere?
- It should always be in declaration order. Period. 
        - Reordering only in the case of Int raw values (especially only when 
0-N are all covered) is unintuitive at best, and I expect rarely what the dev 
would want.
- Should only work on enums without associated values. Enumerating on 
associated values is just begging for trouble. 
        - (Infinite) recursion, as you pointed out.
        - It seems more intuitive to me to have enumerated cases grouped, but 
what if there are cases with and without ATs?

>> [...]
>> Great points! I was only considering the table view/section case where the 
>> enum had raw values 0..<count, but I do imagine it's possible that someone 
>> could just define `enum Section { case header, content, footer }` and then 
>> want to turn an IndexPath value into the appropriate Section.
>> On the other hand, though, isn't that what raw value enums are for? If the 
>> user needs to do what you're saying—map specific integers to enum 
>> values—shouldn't they do so by giving those cases raw values and calling 
>> init?(rawValue:), not by indexing into a collection? Especially since they 
>> can already do that today, and the only thing they're missing is being able 
>> to retrieve the count, which a "PrecountedSequence" mentioned above, or 
>> something like it, could also provide.

I... guess one could do that? Seems undesirable to me. What if I have them 
explicitly numbered, and delete one? Oops, now the whole thing is off and I 
have to go fix all the numbers. Besides, what if the dev wants to use it as a 
different raw representable? (`enum Title: String { ... }`)?

> First, I’m making observations about what people are doing, not what they 
> could do.  
> Second, the raw value may not correspond to 0-based indices.  It might not 
> even be an Int.  There is no reason to couple this common use case of 
> `allValues` to `Int` raw values with 0-based indices.

+1000. There is absolutely no reason to join these, or special-case 0-N int raw 

> Do we know of any examples where a user is both (1) defining an enum with 
> integer raw values that are noncontiguous or non-zero-based and (2) need 
> declaration-ordinal-based indexing into those cases for other reasons, like a 
> table/collection view? I can't think of why someone would do that, but I'm 
> happy to consider something that I'm missing.

Some underlying meaning? E.g. not a table view, but values or identifiers for 
some sort of low-level protocol.

> Third, `init(rawValue:)` is a failable initializer and would require a force 
> unwrap.  If the raw values *are* 0-based integers this is similar to the 
> collection bounds check that would be necessary, but it moves it into user 
> code.  People don’t like writing force unwraps.
> Yeah, this is a really good point that I wasn't fully considering. If other 
> invariants in the application hold—such as table view cell functions never 
> receiving a section index outside 0..<count—then unwrapping it just forces 
> users to address a situation that will never actually occur unless UIKit is 
> fundamentally broken.

Or the user makes a mistake numbering cases, or forgets to update something, 
... I usually put an assertion failure there, but I hate relying on even system 
libraries in production code. 

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