> On Oct 3, 2017, at 10:09 PM, Chris Lattner <clatt...@nondot.org> wrote:
> On Oct 3, 2017, at 9:59 PM, Slava Pestov <spes...@apple.com 
> <mailto:spes...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>> It wouldn't avoid the complexity, because we want the "non-ABI, 
>>>> always-emit-into-client" behavior for the standard library. For the 
>>>> soon-to-be-ABI-stable libraries where @inlinable even matters, such as the 
>>>> standard library and Apple SDK overlays, there's pretty much perfect 
>>>> overlap between things we want to inline and things we don't want to take 
>>>> up binary space and ABI surface in binaries, so the behavior Slava 
>>>> proposes seems like the right default. 
>>> I disagree.  The semantics being proposed perfectly overlap with the 
>>> transitional plan for overlays (which matters for the next few years), but 
>>> they are the wrong default for anything other than overlays and the wrong 
>>> thing for long term API evolution over the next 20 years.
>> Can you elaborate on this? If inlinable functions have public entry points, 
>> the version in the framework may or may not be called… because of SIL 
>> serialization and inlining. Since the existence of the public entry point 
>> doesn’t offer much of a guarantee, it seems desirable to not have the public 
>> entry point. For example if the inlinable function is not used elsewhere in 
>> the framework, we wouldn’t have to emit it at all. This might make the 
>> standard library smaller for instance.
> Sure, let me explain the same thing a different way: because the symbol is 
> known to be present, clients are not *forced* to inline the body of the 
> function if it is not profitable.  They know that there is always a single 
> canonical implementation of the function, so they aren’t forced to replicate 
> it N times for N clients.
> Remember also that there are times where the body of a symbol isn’t the thing 
> that is useful.  If you curry a method for example, you want its address.  
> With the proposed inlining semantics, this forces a copy of the body to be 
> emitted in every module that uses it, because you don’t have a canonical name 
> for the thing.
>> However I’m still waiting for Dave or Jordan to chime in with the original 
>> justification for the ‘always emit into client’ behavior. IIRC there was a 
>> resilience-related argument too, but I don’t remember what it is now.
> The only argument I can imagine is the “If it gets inlined, you’re guaranteed 
> to get the version of the symbol you build against”.  The concern is that 
> some instances are inlined and some are not, and if the inline and out of 
> line versions diverge then you can have exciting problems.
> My view on that is that you’ve already lost if you’d done this.  If you mark 
> a declaration as fragile (allowing it to be inlined) you’ve specifically 
> guaranteed that you’re not going to be changing the observable semantics of 
> the function.  Introducing new performance optimizations is fine of course.

I understand your reasoning here, but note that in Jordan’s proposal, he’s 
adding two new keywords, exhaustive and nonexhaustive. If exhaustive becomes 
@fragile, does nonexhaustive still make sense?


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