I think this is a good idea. I start asking questions about what our default 
generator for linux will be if we use Darwin’s arc4random(3). Do we use Glibc’s 
random()? If so, what do we seed it with?

- Alejandro

On Oct 4, 2017, 6:26 PM -0500, Ben Cohen via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org>, wrote:

On Sep 30, 2017, at 3:23 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org<mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

On Sep 11, 2017, at 9:43 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon 
<br...@architechies.com<mailto:br...@architechies.com>> wrote:

On Sep 9, 2017, at 10:31 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org<mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

- I’d love to see several of the most common random kinds supported, and I 
agree it would be nice (but not required IMO) for the default to be 
cryptographically secure.

I would be very careful about choosing a "simple" solution. There is a log, sad 
history of languages trying to provide a "simple" random number generator and 
accidentally providing a powerful footgun instead. But:

- We should avoid the temptation to nuke this mosquito with a heavy handed 
solution designed to solve all of the world’s problems: For example, the C++ 
random number stuff is crazily over-general.  The stdlib should aim to solve 
(e.g.) the top 3 most common cases, and let a more specialized external library 
solve the fully general problem (e.g. seed management, every distribution 
imaginable, etc).

That's not to say we need to have seven engines and twenty distributions like 
C++ does. The standard library is not a statistics package; it exists to 
provide basic abstractions and fundamental functionality. I don't think it 
should worry itself with distributions at all. I think it needs to provide:

1. The abstraction used to plug in different random number generators (i.e. an 
RNG protocol of some kind).

2. APIs on existing standard library types which perform basic 
randomness-related functions correctly—essentially, encapsulating Knuth. 
(Specifically, I think selecting a random element from a collection (which also 
covers generating a random integer in a range), shuffling a mutable collection, 
and generating a random float will do the trick.)

3. A default RNG with a conservative design that will sometimes be too slow, 
but will never be insufficiently random.

If you want to pick elements with a Poisson distribution, go get a statistics 
framework; if you want repeatable random numbers for testing, use a seedable 
PRNG from XCTest or some other test tools package. These can leverage the 
standard library's RNG protocol to work with existing random number generators 
or random number consumers.

+1 to this general plan!

This pretty much exactly matches my preferences.

If random numbers go into the std lib, they should  being able to customize the 
source of randomness for speed or test reproducibility, but default to 
something sensible without the user having to know it’s configurable. On Darwin 
that default should be based on arc4random(3). The std lib doesn’t need to 
provide other non-default random sources. Non-random sources for testing should 
be part of test frameworks and plug in easily.

The proposal should include shuffle and random element from collection, which 
are much-requested and not really the controversial part so won't hold up the 
overall progress of the proposal.

(and no need for distributions other than uniform IMO, 🇫🇷🐟 or otherwise)


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