So, what I'm getting from this explanation is that `Equatable` is meaningless 
on its own; each class needs to document exactly what  "substitutability" means 
as implemented, and any code that uses `==` needs to check the documentation 
for that specific class and make sure the intended use ("context," as you say) 
aligns with the class's definition.

>>> Contrived Example: Two Lorem Ipsum generators are the same generator 
>>> (referentially equal, substitutable for the purposes of my library), but 
>>> they sample the user’s current battery level (global state) each time they 
>>> produce text to decide how fancy to make the faux Latin. They’re 
>>> substitutable, but don’t generate the same sequence.
>> Evidently I disagree with your definition of "substitutable." How can you 
>> say one thing can be substituted for another when doing so gives a different 
>> result?
> They are substitutable for the purposes of certain operations. The key 
> question is “what” gives a different result.
> Sets are primarily about membership, and equal sets are substitutable (hand 
> wavy) for Set-like purposes. But, two equal Sets are not substitutable for 
> iteration purposes unless they produce the same elements in the same order. 
> This latter requirement is far less important than the former for Sets, but 
> can still come up in generic contexts.
> Two Lorem Ipsum generators could be equal in that they are substitutable for 
> (hand wavy) faux-Latin generation purposes, even if the sequence of generated 
> characters happens to differ.

Hmm, I… guess I could see randomized generators comparing == because their 
public configuration is the same, just not the implementation detail of their 
RNG states.  Not sure I'd implement it that way myself—perhaps I just take the 
"substitutability" more seriously than some.

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