> On Nov 6, 2017, at 4:13 AM, Jon Shier <j...@jonshier.com 
> <mailto:j...@jonshier.com>> wrote:
>       This consideration is further complicated by the possible addition of 
> typed throws in the future. However, the most commonly suggested 
> implementation fo typed throws keeps the ability for throws to be untyped. 
> Additionally, the feature usually allows multiple types to be thrown from a 
> single function. Result<T> can handle all of these scenarios automatically, 
> since it reduces all errors down to Error. A Result<T, E> however, would 
> either lose the ability to encapsulate any function with multiple error 
> types, or otherwise have to wrap those cases in something like AnyError, in 
> additional to having to do so in the untyped case. 

As I mentioned up-thread, this proposal isn’t going to go anywhere without a 
proper discussion of typed throws.  There are two possible designs that have 
strong rationale:

1. Never add typed throws.
2. Add the ability to specify a single type thrown (typically an enum, but 
could be a struct), which defaults to Error if unspecified.

In contrast, I don’t see any reason to add an arbitrary *list* of thrown types, 
and I can’t imagine such a design happening.  Swift already has ways to specify 
alternatives (enums) and this would encourage exactly the behavior from APIs 
that we want to avoid.

This choice between 1/2 needs to be decided before introducing result, because 
#1 means it should be Result<T>, and #2 means it should be Result<T,E>. If this 
is important to you, I’d suggest starting a dedicated discussion thread about 
the topic.

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