> On Nov 20, 2017, at 6:06 PM, Paul Cantrell <cantr...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> I think you’re missing the idea here: the idea isn’t to provide exactly 
>> syntax mapping of Ruby (or Python) into Swift, it is to expose the 
>> underlying semantic concepts in terms of Swift’s syntax.  In the case of 
>> Python, there is a lot of direct overlap, but there is also some places 
>> where Swift and Python differs (e.g. Python slicing syntax vs Swift ranges). 
>>  In my opinion, Swift syntax wins here, we shouldn’t try to ape a non-native 
>> syntax in Swift.
>>> For mapping to Swift, I would say that parens are needed; we can’t guess 
>>> whether a `foo.bar` is meant to be asking for the value of attribute bar or 
>>> a reference to method bar.
>> +1
> Chris, did you follow at all the earlier chain of emails where Brent, 
> Jean-Daniel and I hashed this out at length? You may not have got to it yet….

Perhaps not, I’m just catching up on this thread now.  Keep in mind I know 
almost nothing about Ruby :-)

> An “always use parens” bridge to Ruby has bad ergonomics
> Zero-arg Ruby methods are a mixture of property-like things that would 
> certainly not use parens in Swift, and function-like things that certainly 
> would:
>     // Idiomatic Swift:
>     post.author.name.reversed()
>     // Swift bridging to Ruby…
>     // …if no-args methods •must• use parens:
>     post.author().name().reverse()
>     // …if no-args methods •can’t• use parens:
>     post.author.name.reverse
> If the goal is to make Swift mostly feel like Swift even when bridging to 
> Ruby, then the bridge needs to support both access forms.

Ok, that can certainly be implemented by the two proposals I have in flight.  
No obvious problem there.

> Separating method calls from property accesses solves the problem
> Brent wrote:
>> If we had separate subscripts for methods and properties, then the property 
>> subscript could immediately call the appropriate getters and setters, while 
>> the method subscript could return a ready-to-call `Method` object.
> Better yet, why bother with the ready-to-call Method-like object? Just call 
> it! A Ruby binding with separate property and method handling would then look 
> like this:
>     extension RubyObj: DynamicMemberLookupProtocol {
>       func callDynamicMethod(dynamicMethod method: String, args: 
> [RubyObject]) -> RubyObj {
>         get {
>           return RubyObject_send(rubyObject, method: member, args: args)
>         }
>       }
>       subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> RubyObj {
>         get {
>           return RubyObject_send(rubyObject, method: member, args: [])
>         }
>         set {
>           RubyObject_send(rubyObject, method: "\(member)=", args: [newValue])
>         }
>       }
>     }
> When Swift sees myObj.name, it uses the getter subscript. When Swift sees 
> myObj.name(), it uses the method invocation. Both work in Swift just as they 
> do in Ruby — and more importantly, Ruby APIs wouldn’t feel so very awkward 
> when used from Swift.

Right, that should work directly!


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