On Nov 24, 2017, at 3:47 PM, Douglas Gregor via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> One could imagine adding a “curry” operation to function types:

Right, having non-nominal types participate in the generics system would be 
undoubtably awesome! :)

> Or perhaps making metatypes Hashable so they can be used as keys into a 
> Dictionary:
>   extension<T> T.Type: Hashable {

Ok, so you just happened to pick a simple one: what is the benefit of plumbing 
knowledge of metatypes through the entire generics system, rather than define a 
“Swift.Metatype” type, and defining stuff against it?


>     var hashValue: Int {
>       return ObjectIdentifier(self).hashValue
>     }
>    static func ==(lhs: T.Type, rhs: T.Type) -> Bool { /* standard library 
> magic */ }
>   }
>       - Doug
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