Hi All-

I just wanted to update you all on our migration to Discourse.  We are well on 
our way, with a prototype server and initial import of mailing list data 

As part of the move to Discourse, we have the opportunity to do some 
re-organization to help foster communication and collaboration. A number of 
people stepped up to be part of a workgroup to help work through decisions 
about the structure and setup of the new forums.  In a week or two, we’ll be 
ready to come back and present our proposed forum setup. At that time we will 
also have a beta of the forum with (stale) imported mailing list data for 
people to take a look at.  

My hope is that we can tie up loose ends, schedule the final migration and 
cut-over to the forums about a week later, sometime during the week of Dec. 18. 
 As we get closer, I’ll communicate more concrete dates.


swift-evolution mailing list

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