Even this small example I think this is still a little fiddly. If we add 
another required parameter to the Markdown initializer:
        let readme = String(contentsOfFile: “README.md”).flatMap { 
Markdown(string: $0, flavor: .github) }
this starts to feel a little inside-out and crufty to me. 

> On 12 Dec 2017, at 05:54, Félix Cloutier <felixclout...@icloud.com> wrote:
> You talk about flatMap without giving an example. The readme isn't that bad 
> with it, IMO:
> if let readme = String(contentsOfFile: "README.md").flatMap(Markdown) {
>       // use contents here
> }
> That doesn't work when you need multiple optional parameters. In my own 
> experience, that hasn't been a huge problem, though.
> Félix
>> Le 11 déc. 2017 à 08:30, Jared Khan via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I'd like to propose a syntax addition that acts to ease some things that I 
>> believe should fall under the umbrella of 'optional chaining'. Optional 
>> chaining allows us to access the properties of an optional value and return 
>> nil if any link in that chain breaks. I propose we introduce syntax to allow 
>> similar chaining when passing optional valued parameters to functions that 
>> expect that parameter to be non-optional.
>> The example below is taken from a project I'm working on at the moment:
>> // Current
>> let readme: Markdown?
>> if let rawMarkdown = String(contentsOfFile: "README.md") {
>>      readme = Markdown(string: rawMarkdown)
>> } else {
>>      readme = nil
>> }
>> In this example we want to perform an operation, the initialisation of a 
>> 'Markdown' type, with our raw text if it exists and get nil otherwise. This 
>> is rather verbose
>> I propose the following syntax for an alternative:
>> // Proposed alternative
>> let readme = Markdown(string: String(contentsOfFile: "README.md")?)
>> The ? is familiar in its use for optional chaining.
>> This would act like syntactic sugar for the flatMap method on Optional. For 
>> example:
>> (where `john` is of a `Person` type with a property `address: Address?`)
>> // func getZipCode(fromAddress address: Address) -> ZipCode
>> getZipCode(fromAddress: john.address?)
>> // Would be equivalent to…
>> john.address.flatMap {
>>      getZipCode($0)
>> }
>> An example with multiple parameters:
>> // func getPostageEstimate(source: Address, destination: Address, weight: 
>> Double) -> Int
>> getPostageEstimate(source: john.address?, destination: alice.address?, 
>> weight: 2.0)
>> // Equivalent to
>> john.address.flatMap { freshVar1 in
>>      alice.address.flatMap { freshVar2 in
>>              getPostageEstimate(source: freshVar1, destination: freshVar2, 
>> weight: 2.0)
>>      }
>> }
>> // Or equally:
>> {
>>      guard let freshVar1 = john.address,
>>              let freshVar2 = alice.address else {
>>                      return nil
>>      }
>>      return getPostageEstimate(source: freshVar1, destination: freshVar2, 
>> weight: 2.0)
>> }()
>> This would only be allowed when the parameter doesn’t already accept 
>> Optionals and when the chained value is in fact an optional. We’d want to 
>> consider emitting at least the following errors/warnings in the given 
>> scenarios:
>> let result = myFunc(3?)
>> // error: cannot use optional chaining on non-optional value of type 'Int'
>> // func myFunc2(x: String?) -> String
>> let result = myFunc2(x: john.address?)
>> // error: cannot use optional argument chaining on argument of optional type
>> let result = myFunc(nil?)
>> // warning: optional argument chaining with nil literal always results in nil
>> Seeking your thoughts on this idea, the specific syntax, and more use case 
>> examples.
>> Best,
>> Jared
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