Such an operator was proposed here:

It was ultimately rejected:


> On Dec 21, 2017, at 11:44 AM, Benoit Pereira da silva via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> That’s not ambitious but i think worth be explored.
> What do you think for example of this Infix operator?
> « =? »  allows to express optional assignments  in a very concise way.
> // The `=? operator allows simplify optional assignements :
> //  `a = b ?? a` can be written : `a =? b`
> infix operator =?: AssignmentPrecedence
> public func =?<T> ( left:inout T?, right: T? ){
>     left = right ?? left
> }
> public func =?<T> ( left:inout T, right: T? ){
>     left = right ?? left
> }
> Do you have such operators that you really use very often?
> Best regards 
> Benoit
> Benoit Pereira da Silva
> Ultra Mobile Developer & Movement Activist
> Développeur Ultra Mobile & Militant du mouvement
> <>
> <bannerp.jpg>
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