Thanks for the answers, Slava. More inline below.

> On Dec 21, 2017, at 12:30 AM, Slava Pestov <> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for reviewing the proposal!
>> On Dec 20, 2017, at 9:21 PM, Paul Cantrell < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> A concern: how would a library author reason about, and check for bugs in, 
>> the combinatorial explosion of old and new implementations that could exist 
>> simultaneously with this feature in use?
> I don’t have a simple answer to this unfortunately, other than the author 
> being really careful, perhaps keeping around build artifacts that were 
> compiled against older versions of the library and testing those.
>> That last paragraph gives a relatively trivial example, but the implications 
>> are daunting! If I understand correctly, anything in a library that uses any 
>> @inlinable or @abiPublic code must be prepared to deal with every possible 
>> combination of every past published implementation of that code. And that 
>> “every possible combination” is not per function, but per…call site?
>> Suppose we have this:
>>     // Module A
>>     @inlineable func bar() { ... }
>>     // Module B
>>     @inlineable func foo() {
>>         if whatever {
>>             bar(0)  // compiler decides to inline this...
>>         } else {
>>             bar(1)  // ...but not this, for whatever reason
>>         }
>>     }
>>     // Module C
>>     func baz() {
>>         foo()
>>     }
>> …and suppose B was compiled against A v1.0 but C was compiled against A 
>> v2.0. Then, if I’m following, it’s possible for bar(0) to use the 1.0 
>> implementation but bar(1) to use the 2.0 impl. Do I have that right? It 
>> seems to be what the hash value example is getting at.
> That is correct. Another example is if module A publishes an inlinable 
> function, and module B and C depend on A, but B and C were compiled with 
> different versions of A. Then a fourth module D that depends on B and C might 
> see two different published versions of this function.

I am … horrified and intrigued! I suppose C++ headers have always had exactly 
the same problems, but never having been the maintainer of a C++ library, I 
never had to worry about it.

More follow-up “huh” questions:

1. Presumably the portions of A inlined into B and C remain sensitive to the 
version-specific memory layout of A? Or will ABI stability mean that the 
compiler can magically rearrange memory offsets in already-compiled code when 
the layout changes? (Apologies if this is a too-obvious question; this part of 
Swift is all a mystery to me.)

2. Is there some class of statically identifiable breaking changes that the 
compiler does (or should) detect to flag incompatible inlined code? e.g. some 
version of A inlined into B references, then is deleted in a later 
version of A, so mixing older B with newer A in a project gives a compile- or 
link-time error?

3. Does this need some sort of poison pill feature for other sorts of breaking 
changes that are not statically detectable? e.g. invariants of a data structure 
in A change in release 2.0, so the author of A says “it is an error to include 
A ≥2.0 in any project that inlined any of my code from a version <2.0.” Is this 
what you were getting at with the mention of @inlinable(2.0) in the proposal? 
Sounded like that part was about something else, but I didn’t really grasp it 

>> Or is this not as dangerous as I’m imagining it to be?
> It *is* pretty dangerous, which is why I hope this feature is used 
> judiciously by third-party binary frameworks. With source frameworks that are 
> built together with an app and always recompiled, this is less of a concern.

Yes, frameworks+app built simultaneously are clearly the more common case. 
Though Carthage seems to be champing at the bit to create this problem, since 
it added a feature to download prebuilt binaries long before ABI stability! I 
can easily imagining this feature spreading via word of mouth as a “secret go 
faster switch,” and causing no end of problems in the wild.

Per this and my questions above, a proposal:

It might be safer — and better match the understanding of the typical user — to 
have @inlinable assume by default that an inlined version of any given method 
is only valid only for the specific version of the module it was inlined from. 
The compiler would by default flag any version mixing as an error, and require 
an explicit statement of compatibility intent for each piece of inlinable code 
to opt in to the danger zone of mixed versions.

Then inlinable code could opt in by specifying some sort of past and future 
compatibility contract, e.g. “inline-compatible with version 2.x of this 
module,” perhaps using syntax along the lines of the @available stuff Chris 
proposed elsewhere in this thread. IOW, my #3 just above would be necessary for 
the compiler to allow any version mixing whatsoever.

This would have the advantage of making the default behavior of inlinable much 
more foolproof, and also of nipping in the bud problems of “oh god there are 
still modules out there that inlined our version 1.0, we can never alter this 

Does all that make sense? I’m more than a little out of my depth here.

> Also we are using this feature extensively in the standard library, so as the 
> standard library evolves we will learn and develop best practices, hopefully 
> without too many hiccups :)

I am very curious to see how that develops!

Cheers, P

> Slava
>> Cheers, P
>>> On Dec 20, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Ted Kremenek via swift-evolution 
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>> The review of "SE-0193 - Cross-module inlining and specialization" begins 
>>> now and runs through January 5, 2018.
>>> The proposal is available here:
>>> <>
>>> Reviews are an important part of the Swift evolution process. All review 
>>> feedback should be sent to the swift-evolution mailing list at:
>>> <>
>>> or, if you would like to keep your feedback private, directly to the review 
>>> manager. 
>>> When replying, please try to keep the proposal link at the top of the 
>>> message:
>>> Proposal link: 
>>> <>
>>> ...
>>> Reply text
>>> ...
>>> Other replies
>>> What goes into a review of a proposal?
>>> The goal of the review process is to improve the proposal under review 
>>> through constructive criticism and, eventually, determine the direction of 
>>> Swift. 
>>> When reviewing a proposal, here are some questions to consider:
>>> What is your evaluation of the proposal?
>>> Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change to 
>>> Swift?
>>> Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?
>>> If you have used other languages or libraries with a similar feature, how 
>>> do you feel that this proposal compares to those?
>>> How much effort did you put into your review? A glance, a quick reading, or 
>>> an in-depth study?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ted Kremenek
>>> Review Manager
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