This is not what I am saying.

Change X helps use case A, but unnecessarily removes feature important (and 
like argument labels for everything quite Swift defining, but alas...) for use 
case B.

What I am saying is that before merging change X we should figure out what is 
needed (change Y) to ensure that use case B is not harmed while we do also help 
use case A.

Use case A being binary frameworks shipped by the OS and use case B being 
everything else... :).

Change X being the current proposal.

Change Y being the feature(s) needed to be added to X to ensure X’ helps use 
case A without removing the functionality use case B relies on.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 3 Jan 2018, at 02:01, Xiaodi Wu <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 7:02 PM, Goffredo Marocchi <> wrote:
>>> On 3 Jan 2018, at 00:38, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 4:31 PM, Jonathan Hull <> wrote:
>>>> I think there are a couple of different definitions running around, and 
>>>> that is confusing things.
>>>> In my mind, ‘unexpected:’ catches only cases which were unknown at compile 
>>>> time. Adding cases to an enum *should* be a source-breaking change. That 
>>>> is the whole point of this.  We should have to update the switch (either 
>>>> by handling new case explicitly, or by adding default) before successfully 
>>>> compiling.  What ‘unexpected:’ protects against are changes to a linked 
>>>> binary (e.g. iOS) that are now vending cases we didn’t know about when we 
>>>> were compiled.
>>>> I’ll say it again… framing this idea as one of exhaustiveness is really 
>>>> confusing.  Enums should just always be exhaustive in swift.  There may be 
>>>> cases where we need to use ‘unexpected:’ to handle unexpected/future cases 
>>>> exhaustively.  If we annotate an enum as @frozen, then we won’t need to do 
>>>> that to be exhaustive because we know it won’t change out from under us.  
>>>> Always exhaustive. Much less confusing…
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jon
>>> I think, then, you fundamentally disagree with the starting premise of the 
>>> proposal, which is specifically the addition of nonexhaustive enums to the 
>>> language, and making them the default sort of enum so that adding cases *is 
>>> not* a source-breaking change. If your whole purpose is to change the 
>>> proposal so that adding cases will _always_ be a source-breaking change and 
>>> enums are _never_ nonexhaustive, then I'm not sure how to proceed in the 
>>> discussion as we're working towards diametrically opposite goals.
>> The main issue is a resilience issue and it mainly affects binary frameworks 
>> the app links with at runtime and does not package them (read mostly Apple 
>> ones for the moment)... the fact that enum changes are source breaking is 
>> the whole entire point of swift’s enum and a best practice warning to always 
>> have turned on even before with Objective-C. Our goal, and yours goal should 
>> be the one and the same too IMHO, is not to throw the proverbial baby out 
>> with the bath water.
>> We should look for a solution that allows what Apple and OS framework 
>> authors need and also what is best for app developers and if we need 
>> something to do this we pause this proposal until that something is ready 
>> and merged.
> Hmm, I think indeed we disagree fundamentally on what this proposal is about, 
> or the desired end goal.
> If I understand correctly, *your* end goal is simply to enable something like 
> `@_fixed_layout` for enums, an optimization hint to allow binary frameworks 
> to add cases without being shipped with apps. You want no semantic changes to 
> how enums work.
> *My* understand of this proposals goal--and I support it--is that it takes 
> this ABI compatibility problem as a starting point and discovers that there 
> are fundamentally two semantic categories of enums, ones that are necessarily 
> exhaustive (there's either something or nothing for an Optional value, there 
> are three possible comparison results for comparable types, there are four 
> sides to a rectangular window, etc.) and ones that are not. It discovers 
> that, empirically, most enums are nonexhaustive, and proposes changes to the 
> grammar so that Swift distinguishes between these two so as to prompt 
> developers to deal with the issue of nonexhaustiveness where the semantics 
> require it. The goal, then, is to introduce new spellings and semantics to 
> distinguish between two different flavors of enum. Like `open` vs. `public` 
> for classes, this has implications for ABI compatibility but isn't just about 
> ABI compatibility.
> I was laboring under the idea that we were working to make such a 
> wide-ranging change as ergonomic as possible, but it seems like you and Jon 
> do not want such a change at all.
>>>>> On Jan 2, 2018, at 1:41 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 3:27 PM, Kevin Nattinger <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>> in what other circumstances do we insist that the compiler inform the 
>>>>>>>>> end user about future additions to the API at compile time?
>>>>>>>> This isn’t a request for the compiler to inform the user about future 
>>>>>>>> additions to an API.  It is a request to validate the compiler’s 
>>>>>>>> knowledge of the current state of an API with the current state of the 
>>>>>>>> source code. 
>>>>>>> Well, it's of course impossible to inform the user about future 
>>>>>>> additions, so that's poorly phrased on my part. It's about the compiler 
>>>>>>> informing the end user about *new* additions, part of the *current* 
>>>>>>> state of the API, that have cropped up since the user last revised the 
>>>>>>> code when the API was in a *previous* state (or, indistinguishably, 
>>>>>>> members of which a user is unaware regardless of the temporal sequence 
>>>>>>> of when such members were added). In what other circumstances do we 
>>>>>>> insist that the compiler perform this service?
>>>>>> Enums. That's literally how they work today. You are arguing in favor of 
>>>>>> actively removing compiler-aided correctness.
>>>>>> There's also protocol requirements
>>>>> No, that's now how enums work today, and it's not how protocol 
>>>>> requirements work today. Enums today are all semantically exhaustive; if 
>>>>> a case is added in a later version of a library, it's semantically a 
>>>>> *different* enum type that happens to share the same name. Not 
>>>>> considering all the cases of an exhaustive enum is an _error_, not a 
>>>>> _warning_, because there is no basis on which to proceed. This will not 
>>>>> change with the proposal. Likewise, adding a protocol requirement without 
>>>>> a default implementation is source-breaking. The result is a compiler 
>>>>> _error_.
>>>>> The question is, what non-source breaking API additions today cause the 
>>>>> compiler to inform the end user of such additions? The answer is: none 
>>>>> whatsoever. Not new methods or properties on a type, not even new 
>>>>> protocol requirements that have a default implementation.
>>>>>> and, arguably, deprecated methods with a proper message ("use foo 
>>>>>> instead").
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