Thanks, you are correct. Very helpful.

  -- Howard.

On 24 March 2016 at 11:20, Kate Stone <> wrote:

> You’re almost certainly seeing side effects of not keeping the instance of
> TestClass alive long enough for the unsafe pointer to still refer to an
> allocated malloc block.  A quick REPL session illustrates this fact:
>   1> class TestClass {
>   2.     let a = 0
>   3.     let b: Int? = nil
>   4. }
>   5> import Foundation
>   6> malloc_size(unsafeAddressOf(TestClass()))
> $R0: Int = 0
>   7> let x = TestClass()
> x: TestClass = {
>   a = 0
>   b = nil
> }
>   8> malloc_size(unsafeAddressOf(x))
> $R1: Int = 48
> On line 6 the result of the TestClass() expression is being used only to
> call unsafeAddressOf, and then it’s being freed before the call to
> malloc_size.  On line 8 the variable x is retaining the instance so the
> malloc’ed region can be measured.
> Of course all of this relies on the implementation assumption that
> allocated objects go on malloc’s heap and is subject to implementation
> details about object layout.  So while this may be instructive now it’s
> certainly no guarantee of how things will work in the future.
> Kate Stone
>  Xcode Low Level Tools
> On Mar 23, 2016, at 5:13 PM, Howard Lovatt <>
> wrote:
> @Kate,
> I don't seem to be able to get `malloc_...` to work. EG:
> class TestClass {
>     let a = 0
>     let b: Int? = nil
> }
> @_silgen_name("swift_class_getInstanceExtents") func
> swift_class_getInstanceExtents(theClass: AnyClass) -> (negative: UInt,
> positive: UInt)
> print("swift_class_getInstanceExtents =
> \(swift_class_getInstanceExtents(TestClass))")
> let requiredSize = malloc_size(unsafeAddressOf(TestClass()))
> print("malloc_size = \(requiredSize)")
> print("malloc_good_size = \(malloc_good_size(requiredSize))")
> Prints:
> swift_class_getInstanceExtents = (0, 33)
> malloc_size = 0
> malloc_good_size = 16
> The `swift_class_getInstanceExtents` seems correct to me: 16 bytes for
> class overhead + 16 bytes for `a` and `b` + 1 byte because `b` is an
> optional = 33 bytes.
> Not sure what `malloc_...` is giving?
>   -- Howard.
> On 24 March 2016 at 10:39, Kate Stone <> wrote:
>> I definitely concur that tools like Instruments are the best way to
>> understand the impact of decisions on memory across the board.  For
>> fine-grained inquiries about memory use you can also rely on malloc family
>> functions to make inquiries:
>> let required_size = malloc_size(unsafeAddressOf(*object_reference*))
>> let actual_size = malloc_good_size(required_size)
>> Kate Stone
>>  Xcode Low Level Tools
>> On Mar 23, 2016, at 3:59 PM, Howard Lovatt via swift-users <
>>> wrote:
>> Thanks, I will give that a try
>>   -- Howard.
>> On 24 March 2016 at 03:17, Jens Alfke <> wrote:
>>> On Mar 22, 2016, at 11:04 PM, Howard Lovatt via swift-users <
>>>> wrote:
>>> I am writing custom collection classes and trying to assess which one is
>>> better, both in terms of performance and memory usage. Won't be used in
>>> 'real' code, just to guide development.
>>> You might consider using heap profiling tools too, like (on Mac OS) the
>>> Instruments app or the `heap` command-line tool. If you use these while
>>> running a benchmark app using your API, it can show you how much total heap
>>> space gets used.
>>> Actual heap usage can differ from the raw “sizeof” a data type, since
>>> allocators will often round up block sizes or return a somewhat larger
>>> block than necessary. Heap fragmentation can also increase memory usage
>>> beyond what you’d expect, and different allocation patterns can affect
>>> fragmentation.
>>> —Jens
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