So basically if I do something like this I should be on the safe side:

public class Characters {
    private let reference: UnsafeMutablePointer<Character>

    var characters: [Character] {
        var characters = [Character]()
        for index in 0..<self.count {
        return characters
    var combined: String { return String(self.characters) }
    public let count: Int
    public init(value: String) {
        let characters = value.characters
        self.count = characters.count
        self.reference = UnsafeMutablePointer<Character>.alloc(self.count)
    deinit {
Or do I have to fix something?

Here I don’t walk out of the boundary I allocate.

Does the UnsafeMutablePointer reserves me a safe portion of memory (by safe I 
mean which isn’t used by anyone at the time I will start using it)?

Sure another pointer could be created and hack into my memory but that wasn’t 
the question. :)


Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 21. Mai 2016 bei 11:04:10, Dmitri Gribenko ( schrieb:

Hi Adrian,  

On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 1:48 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-users  
<> wrote:  
> I played around with UnsafeMutablePointer and realized one behavior:  
> let pString = UnsafeMutablePointer<String>.alloc(1)  
> pString.initialize("test")  
> pString.predecessor().memory // will crash ax expected  
> pString.predecessor() == pString.advancedBy(-1) // true  
> pString.destroy()  
> pString.dealloc(1)  
> where  
> let iInt = UnsafeMutablePointer<String>.alloc(1)  
> iInt.initialize("test")  
> iInt.predecessor().memory // will not crash  
> iInt.predecessor() == iInt.advancedBy(-1) // true  
> iInt.predecessor().memory = 42 // did I just modified some memory I don't  
> own?  

Yes, you did.  

In the String case the crash is not guaranteed (it is a segmentation  
fault, not a controlled trap). Someone else's valid String can happen  
to be located immediately before your memory chunk, and then the code  
would "just work", loading that other string.  

Dereferencing (reading or writing into) an out-of-bounds pointer is  
undefined behavior in Swift.  


(j){printf("%d\n",i);}}} /*Dmitri Gribenko <>*/  
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