on Tue Jun 28 2016, Jordan Rose <jordan_rose-AT-apple.com> wrote:

>> On Jun 27, 2016, at 18:52, Tim Vermeulen <tvermeu...@me.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply. It didn’t clear up everything, though. The
>> official documentation says "Weak references do not affect the
>> result of this function.”, which suggests that weak (and unowned)
>> references intentionally aren’t counted. The docs only mention the
>> implementation of copy-on-write behaviour as a use case (which also
>> happens to be what I’m using it for).
> I would expect that weak references are important to count for COW,
> since you can observe changes through them. Dave?

I can try to address this thread, but not immediately I'm afraid.  I'm
just swamped at the moment.

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