On 5 Aug 2016, at 22:57, Jon Shier via swift-users <swift-users@swift.org> 

> Now, if I mark one of the functions @nonobjc, it compiles. So is this a bug 
> or change in behavior?

NSOperation has a property with `-finished:` as the setter and `-isFinished` as 
the getter.  It’s not uncommon for method names used by an operation’s author 
to collide with these, depending on exactly how the importing is importing 
those methods, how the overlays are set up, and so on.

IMO the best way to fix your specific issue is to adopt Swift 3 naming for your 

    final func finish(receivedErrors: [Error])    
    final func finish(receivedError: Error?)

which lifts you out of the ‘finish’ space entirely.

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"                    <http://www.apple.com/developer/>
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