Hi all,
Another question. I used to use this snippet to read keyboard input from 
XCode's Playground. And it used to work very well. Today, I just updated my 
XCode to v.8 and Swift v.3. After a little bit modification here and there due 
to Swift 3 incompatibility, I got this code compiled without error. But it 
doesn't work. No keyboard input is taken. It just stucks.
Here's the code:
import Foundation
func input() -> String {  let keyboard  = FileHandle.standardInput  let 
inputData = keyboard.availableData  let encoding  = String.Encoding(rawValue: 
String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)  let strData   = String(data: inputData, 
encoding: encoding)  return strData! as String}
func write(_ txt: String) {  print(txt, terminator: "")}
func read() -> String {  let c = CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines  return 
input().trimmingCharacters(in: c)}

/* main program */

write("Enter your name: ")let s = read() So, does anyone know how to make it 
works (again)? Thank you.
–Mr Bee
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