I have this class I wrote which stores the error messages from the
firebaseauth if a error occurs.
The problem is that the variable on first return is not set and on second
return is.
variable _errorMsg is empty on first return of method registerUser

Why is it not storing the variable when it's initially triggered?


//  Authentication.swift

import Firebase

import FirebaseAuth

import FBSDKCoreKit

import FBSDKLoginKit

class Authentication: UIViewController {

    public var _errorMsg: String = ""

    private var createdUser: Bool!

    private var _userSignedIn = false


    *  Registers a user using email/password method


    func registerUser(email : String, password: String) -> Bool{

        createdUser = false

        FIRAuth.auth()?.createUser(withEmail: email, password: password,
completion: {(user, error) in

            if error != nil {

               if let errCode = FIRAuthErrorCode(rawValue: (error?._code)!)

                switch errCode {

                    case FIRAuthErrorCode.errorCodeInvalidEmail:

                        self._errorMsg = "Invalid Email"

                        print("DEBUG: invalid email")

                    case FIRAuthErrorCode.errorCodeEmailAlreadyInUse:

                        self._errorMsg = "Email already in use"

                        print("DEBUG: in use")

                    case FIRAuthErrorCode.errorCodeWeakPassword:

                        self._errorMsg = "Enter a stronger password"

                        print("DEBUG: stronger password")


                        print("DEBUG: Create User Error: ")

                        self._errorMsg = "Unknown Error "



                print("DEBUG: New user failed to create")


                print("DEBUG: New user created ")

                self.createdUser = true



        return self.createdUser



    * Registers a user using facebook login method


    func facebookLogin() -> Bool{

        let facebookLogin = FBSDKLoginManager()

        facebookLogin.logIn(withReadPermissions: ["email"], from: self){
(result, error) in

            if error != nil {

                print("DEBUG: Unable to authenticate with Facebook \(error)"

            }else if result?.isCancelled == true {

                print("DEBUG: User cancelled authenticate with Facebook \(

            }else {

                print("DEBUG: User success")

                let credential =




        return _userSignedIn



    * Authentication through firebase

    * @parameter credential


    func firebaseAuth(_ credential: FIRAuthCredential){

        FIRAuth.auth()?.signIn(with: credential, completion: {(user, error)

            if error != nil {

                print("DEBUG: Failed auth with Firebase \(error)")

                self._userSignedIn = false


                print("DEBUG: Success auth with Firebase")

                self._userSignedIn = true





     * Checks if the user is already signed in and sets the variable.


    func signedIn() -> Bool {

        if ((FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser) != nil) {

            print("DEBUG: user is signed in")

            _userSignedIn = true


        return _userSignedIn



    *  Stores the error messages for authentication issues


    var errorMsg: String {


            return _errorMsg



            _errorMsg = value



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