On 3 Nov 2016, at 8:37 PM, Erica Sadun via swift-users <swift-users@swift.org 
<mailto:swift-users@swift.org>> wrote:

>     private enum StringEnum: String { case one, two, three }
>     public init(strings: [String]) {
>         var set = MyOptionSet()
>         strings.flatMap({ StringEnum(rawValue: $0) })
>             .flatMap({ MyOptionSet(rawValue: 1 << $0.hashValue) })
>             .forEach { set.insert($0) }
>         _rawValue = set.rawValue
>     }

I’m curious about relying on the hash value of an enum case being its 
declaration-order index. A sage 
warns that this  is an implementation detail. I haven’t seen anything saying it 
is API. Has it been resolved?

It’s the most plausible implementation, but I’d think code that relies on case 
order would break silently (likely at widely-separated locations) if a case 
were inserted or removed. That suggests to me it’s not possible to regularize 
this behavior.

Folkloric API (like SEL ↔︎ char* in ObjC) makes me itch.

        — F

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