To take two lines from your example, you could do something like this if you 
don’t want to re-write Boost.Logging or build/use native Swift facilities to 
write to logs:

BoostLog.h:     // Use this to bridge to Swift via C-compatibility

extern “C” void logTrace(const char * str);
extern “C” void logDebug(const char * str);

BoostLog.cpp:           // this is the implementation

#include “BoostLog.h”
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <string>

void logTrace(const char* str)
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << std::string(str);

void logDebug(const char* str)
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << std::string(str);

You would then use logTrace and logDebug within Swift like any other 
C-functions(using the appropriate Swift<->C interoperability conventions).  How 
you package it up to include in your Swift project is another whole subject.

This is the general scheme by which you would include C++ into Swift (or any 
other language other than Obj-C++, for that matter, as Jens as noted 


> On Jan 13, 2017, at 12:37 PM, Ethin Probst via swift-users 
> <> wrote:
> So you don't know how I could directly port this to Swift--or make an
> indirect port?
> On 1/13/17, Jens Alfke < <>> wrote:
>>> On Jan 13, 2017, at 8:18 AM, Ethin Probst via swift-users
>>> <> wrote
>>> I was wondering how I could go about using the Boost library project
>>> (among others) in swift?
>> No, it’s generally not feasible to use C++ libraries from any other
>> language. The main reasons are that (a) name-mangling of C++ functions means
>> that there’s no reliable way to tell the other language the name of the
>> function you want to call, and (b) C++ has so many language features that
>> are tightly entwined with the way you call functions — constructors,
>> copying, assignment, references, implicit conversions, operator overloading,
>> etc.
>> In the simple example you gave there are several warning signs:
>> * BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL etc. appear to be macros since they’re in all caps. Who
>> knows what functions they actually call?
>> * The “<<“ operator expands [unmangles] to some complex function name which
>> is very compiler-dependent.
>> * It’s very probable that the “<<“ operator is defined as an inline
>> function, so it may not even appear in the binary of the compiled Boost
>> library at all.
>> * The C string constants on the right hand side are probably being
>> implicitly converted to C++ std::strings before the call. Or maybe not. And
>> the conversion likely happens on the caller’s side, i.e. the compiler has to
>> know to create a std::string before calling and then destruct it
>> afterwards.
>> The only practical way to call a C++ API from another language is to write
>> glue code, a set of functions that call the library, but which have a plain
>> C API and use only C types. Pretty much any language has a way to call C
>> functions, so you can now call the C API which will call the C++ code.
>> —Jens
> -- 
> Signed,
> Ethin D. Probst
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