Hello everyone !

I am currently writing a project where I would like to do something similar to 

protocol ProtocolA {
    associatedtype U
    var someVariable : U { get set }
    func someFunction(_ x:U) -> U

class SomeClass<T> {
    var someProperty : ProtocolA where ProtocolA.U == T

But this isn't possible so I had to implement it as a generic class:
class NewClass<U> { ... }

And now I am using it like this:
class SomeClass<T> {
        var someProperty: NewClass<T>

The issue here is that protocols aren't used any more with this approach, and 
in my case there is no "default" implementation of myFunction, so protocols 
where really useful!!

Is there a better way to do that in the current Swift version?

Today, I came across the proposal SE-0142 (Permit where clauses to constrain 
associated types), but this only seems to apply inside of protocols, what is 
your opinion about having similar mechanisms in classes and structs ?

Thank you!

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