Can you give an example of a problematic name collision? Does fully qualifying 
names not help?


> On May 31, 2017, at 4:01 PM, Steven Brunwasser via swift-users 
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a library which uses a few generic protocols with identically named 
> associated types that may not always be specified identically by implementors.
>       protocol Foo {
>               associatedtype Container
>               associatedtype Element
>       }
>       protocol Bar {
>               associatedtype Container
>               associatedtype Element
>       }
>       struct Baz: Foo, Bar {
>               // Implement using two different Container/Element types.
>       }
> Is there a consensus on some naming convention for associatedtypes to 
> mitigate name collisions?
> Would it be acceptable to add namespace prefixes to these types?
>       protocol Foo {
>               associatedtype FooContainer
>               associatedtype FooElement
>       }
> I’m using the dictionary and thesaurus to find some alternative names I could 
> use, but the ones already used are so the most sensical semantically.
> Do you have any suggestions?
> Thanks, 
> - Steve Brunwasser
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