I myself highly want lazy constants (I’m tired of writing something like file 
private private(set) lazy var propertyName: ReferenceType just to hide the 
setter from the rest of the codebase), but I don’t think this will ever happen 
in Swift, at least not as an improvement for the lazy keyword itself. Joe Groff 
had a really awesome proposal last year, which is currently in a deferred state 
but will be resurrected in the future.


It’s simply is a prioritization question, when this will happen.

That said, I’d expect some kind of readOnlyLazy property behavior that will 
match the mentioned lazy let.

Adrian Zubarev
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Am 26. Juni 2017 um 21:32:35, Edward Connell via swift-users 
(swift-users@swift.org) schrieb:

It sure would be nice if the compiler supported lazy lets for structs. Any idea 
when or if this will be supported? 

Seems like a nice performance win, lazy var is a pain because you can't access 
arguments passed into a function without mutation complaints.

Thanks, Ed
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