I really must do more research before making accusations ;-)

> Which still leaves my question of why I have to reimplement the default 
> copy(other:) method from the protocol's extension in the base class ???

Apparently, the answer is to remove the declaration of the copy(other:) method 
from the protocol itself and to leave the default implementation in the 
extension !

So I now end up with :

protocol Copyable
  init(other: Self)

extension Copyable
  func copy() -> Self
    return type(of: self).init(other: self)

class Shape : Copyable
  var color: NSColor
  init(color: NSColor)
    self.color = color
  required init(other: Shape)
    color = other.color

… and all is well with the world :-)

Mind you, the compiler error messages were hardly helpful to diagnosing this 
particular problem :-(


Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting

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