I am looking at the latest version of the “App Development with Swift” iBook on 
page 122. There’s a code example I’ll paste below.

“Maybe you want to check if one string is somewhere within another string. You 
can use the contains(_:) method to return a Boolean value that indicates 
whether or not the substring was found.
let greeting = "Hi Rick, my name is Amy."
if greeting.contains("my name is") {
  print("Making an introduction")

Excerpt From: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift.” Apple Inc. - 
Education, 2017. iBooks. 

When I try to run this code, I get the following error:

error: cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 
'String.Element' (aka 'Character')
if greeting.contains("my name is") {

>From what I can tell, the Swift 4 Strings are once again collections, so the 
>contains method will only work with characters.

What can I use to find a substring inside a String in Swift 4?

Thank you!
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