#1 this is being reviewed on the wrong list printing should be reviewed on 2d-dev
and the bug cat should be client/2d
#2 I see you prepared the webrev against 9/dev. It should be 9/client.
#3 In general I think that its questionable to make this change. Granted other tests do this but there is a slippery slope to not testing printing properly.
How do you actually test that print *lookup* is working properly if you
change tests like this ? We have had bugs (and may be still do) where
we fail to find printers that are there.
I have multiple times over many years told SQE that they need to install
printers on system doing client testing rather than changing tests to 'pass'.
Either that or enhance jtreg so there is a way to flag that a test was not
really run. So I would say this change should not be made.


On 1/29/15 1:17 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

 The fix looks good to me.


On 1/27/2015 1:37 PM, pooja chopra wrote:
|Hello, |
|Please review a fix ||for| |the issue: |
|8071532| |[TEST_BUG] ||java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/NullClipARGB.java fails with PrinterException: No print service found
Test bug fix.

|The webrev is:||http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kshefov/8071532/webrev.01

|Thanks |

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