

On 04/19/2016 12:05 PM, Pete Brunet wrote:
New patch: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ptbrunet/JDK-8076554/webrev.03/

- removed _AccessibleState
- removed wildcard imports.

Is this ready to push?


On 4/19/16 12:26 PM, Phil Race wrote:
oh one nit picky thing - can we get rid of the wild card imports ?


On 04/19/2016 10:21 AM, Phil Race wrote:
Which seems to imply the _AccessibleState subclass has been obsolete since 1.5 Although when these tools were unbundled it perhaps could not assume 1.5.

The rest of the changes look fine and it is a lot simpler than the v0 ..


On 04/19/2016 08:54 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
Thanks for noticing that Alexandr. I see this state was added in 1.5 and apparently the code from which I borrowed this from was never updated. I will remove that and open a bug to remove that from the original. -Pete

On 4/19/16 7:39 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 19/04/16 05:50, Pete Brunet wrote:
Please review the following patch.


The problem is that the code is currently hardcoded to only support text
accessibility for JTextComponent using the DocumentListener,
CaretListener interfaces.  This eliminates the ability to provide
accessibility for a custom text components.  The resolution is to remove
the JTextComponent gate and use the PropertyChangeListener listener
interface with its ACCESSIBLE_CARET_PROPERTY and
The AccessibleState class already has the MANAGES_DESCENDANTS constant. What is purpose to add a constant with the same name to the _AccessibleState?

I tested this with the two test cases which can be found at
running them side by side with VoiceOver.

Note that I will fix the similar JProgressBar and JSlider restrictions
in JDK-8154507 and JDK-8154508 respectively.


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