Hi All,


Please review the following:


Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8172804


Webrev Link: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~akolarkunnu/8172804/webrev.00/


Summary: This is a fix for a bug in Jemmy code, that we found while automating 
the SwingSet Demo.

Previously maximize() was implemented using Frame.setSize() which will set 
frame size as screen size, but its state is not changing, it will be 
Frame.NORMAL itself. 
Now it is implementing using, Frame.setExtendedState() with 
Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH as parameter, so that its actual state also will set to 

Also demaximize() is not implemented completely. So demaximize() is 
implementing using Frame.setExtendedState() with Frame.NORMAL .





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