

On 16/09/2017 07:16, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
That's of course a stylistic issue, but I think that the keywords(not necessary a java) look better when they are highlighted. Depending from the style it can look like this:

Here is an updated webrev:
 - The link to the "Apple Developer Documentation" was added.
 - Info.plist is also wrapped in the {@code}
 - Mac OS was replaced by macOS

On 9/15/17 12:34, Phil Race wrote:
771      * @implNote Please note that for Mac OS, notifications
  772      * are only sent if the Java app is a bundled application,
  773      * with a {@code CFBundleDocumentTypes} array present in its
774 * Info.plist.

Should we be using {@code ..} for CFBundleDocumentTypes. It is not Java code,
but this makes it look like it is.

I think we should have some reference to "go see Apple developer docs" to find out what
that and Info.plist are .. even if it not a direct link.


On 09/13/2017 03:39 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Please review the fix for jdk10.

Some of the tidy warnings were fixed.
Report is here:

 - java/awt/Desktop.java: the links to "developer.apple.com" were removed, it seems that the URLs for these documents are changed over time as well as content. We will mention only "CFBundleDocumentTypes" and "Info.plist" in the description.  - javax/print/attribute/standard/PresentationDirection.java: the link was changed from ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/standards/pwg5100.3.pdf to ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/standards/temp_archive/pwg5100.3.pdf , but I guess this is a stable location because the files are there from 2004.
 - others are just broken links which were fixed.

I checked the whole list of links in the desktop module, and found that some of them are broken. For example I cannot find an official place for the tiff specification(and related documents). Also during migration from sun.com we lost some documents, I leave such links as-is, and plan to resurrect the documents somewhere.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8187399
Webrev can be found at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8187399/webrev.00

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