Hi All,


Please review the fix to add support for testing for all the available look and 
feels for the DialogDemoTest,WindowDemoTest and SwingSet2DemoTest.

Task: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210055

Webrev Link:  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~akolarkunnu/8210055/webrev.00/



Summary: We use "availableLookAndFeels" dataProvider from TestHelpers class  to 
run the test iteratively using all the available look and feels.

But there were some issues while running these tests directly on different look 
and feels.



SwingSet2DemoTest: In SwingSet 2 application, it was creating some menus only 
once, because of that removed check in the review. For different look and feel 
tests it will be loading application multiple times, but some menus were not 
getting created. 
DialogDemoTest and WindowDemoTest: Added isShown() check to get exact active 
Window for each look and feel test.

Please see the bug description for the exception stack traces.





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