On 2/17/20 2:25 am, Alexey Ivanov wrote:
As far as I understand your approach, is to select the minimum if the resulted 
float value after the calculation is a little bit smaller than the minimum.

So if the minimum is -0.15 and resulted value is (-0.10d - 0.05d) = 
(-0.15000000000000002), what value should be shown by the spinner?
the same logic for int:
      the minimum is -15 and resulted value is (-11 - 5) = -16, what value 
should be shown by the spinner?

The set minimum value: -0.15d and -15 correspondingly.

That will contradicts the spec of SpinnerNumberModel.getNextValue/getPreviousValue 
which states that "@returns value - stepSize, or
null if the sum is less than minimum."

Best regards, Sergey.

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