Looks fine. Please note you will need a CSR for this change.

On 19.07.2020 11:28, Pankaj Bansal wrote:
Hi All,

Please review the following fix for jdk16.

Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8239137
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pbansal/8239137/webrev02/ 

Issue: The JAWS does not announce the value of JSlider in JColorChooser

Cause: The JSlider and JSpinner are kept in Sync in JColorChooser by changing 
the value of other component when one is used. eg, when we change color value 
using JSlider, the JSpinner value is also changed to keep the two in Sync. This 
results in two accessibility value change events being sent to JAWS (one for 
JSlider and JSpinner each) instead of just one for JSlider.

The event in JSlider is being sent from setValue method, whereas in case of 
JSpinner, the event is being sent from a AccessibleJSpinner stateChanged method 
which is added as changeListener to JSpinner. This results in situation where 
the event for JSpinner is always being sent first whether we are using JSlider 
or JSpinner. It looks like JAWS is not able to process all the events being 
sent quickly. So, the JSlider event is not being processed properly by JAWS.

Fix: The fix is to add the AccessibleJSlider as a ChangeListener on the JSlider 
and then sending the accesssiblity value change event from there instead of 
sending it from setValue method like being done in JSpinner. This results in 
the accessibility events being sent to JAWS in the order they are being 
changed. JAWS is able to announce the value properly for JSlider and JSpinner.

This can be tested by running any JColorchooser sample program (One such sample 
program is attached in JBS). I have run full jtreg and jck tests on mach5. The 
change is not breaking any test. Links in JBS.


Best regards, Sergey.

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