On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 08:22:35 GMT, Pankaj Bansal <pban...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> A container may include few default components as children, which are added 
> to it during creation. Due to this, calling function getChildrenCount on a 
> new created instance may return non zero value. This behaviour may vary 
> according to L&F also, as some L&F may add some default components to a 
> container, but other L&F may choose not to do so.
> The current bugs reports that this behaviour looks suspicious as it is 
> expected that a newly created container will have zero  children.
> Current specification is not clear on this whether it is allowed for a 
> container to contain default components or not. The fix make changes to the 
> specification to clarify the same.
> Note: I think this will need a CSR, I will file one after the review is 
> completed

I wonder how the other components handle that. For example, the JComboBox in 
Aqua L&F is a "compound" element and it contains a text field and button, what 
does the "getComponentCount" return in that case, wIll we hide internal data 
from the user?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5121

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