Thanks for all the prompt replies; I'll just center the windows and offset 
the secondary ones, since I can't have the operating system do it for me. I 
appreciate the sample code to help me do that!

Just spent another 45 minutes wading through the Javadoc to little avail on 
one more (seemingly minor) problem.

I have a JTextArea in a JScrollPane. It's not editable and used only for a 
running log (i.e. periodically call textarea.append).

However, if I ever scroll up the log, appends no longer scroll it all the 
way down again.

I was trying to figure out a call such as:

textarea.append("some text");
// or maybe scrollpane.scrollToBottom();

To make sure it always shows the bottom line when a new line is displayed.

I would appreciate it if you have encountered this in the past, if you 
could tell me how you did it.



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