I've been having an ongoing problem with tooltips associated with JTree nodes. 
The nodes are custom (ie.not DefaultMutableTreeNodes) but all methods are 
defined. The JTree is in a JInternalFrame. I'm running 1.3.1 on Solaris.

I derive from DefaultTreeCellRenderer and override 
getTreeCellRendererComponent(...) to provide for both the node icons and the 

Occasionally, after displaying a particular node's tooltip, which happens to 
exceed the width of the JInternalFrame), I leave the mouse in postition and let 
the tooltip disappear on its own. SOMETIMES subsequent to this action, I find 
this same tooltip appearing to overwrite one or more other components: possibly 
the tooltip for another node (I can see the "wrong" tooltip on top and the tail 
end of the even longer "correct" tooltip under it). Sometimes the persistent 
tooltip may overwrite the first JMenuItem of a JPopupMenu attached to a JButton 
on the same internal frame. 

I was unable to track either the getToolTipText accesses (everything is what I 
would expect) or to force the ToolTipText to null when I didn't need any. The 
overwriting seems to persist for a while, sometimes it disappears after a while, 
only to return later, and I've found that only the "too long" tooltips seem to 
overwrite other components. I checked the Bug Parade and, while I found several 
hits that are somewhat relevant, Sun closed them as "not reproducible". 

I think it might be related to the processing of MouseEvents (too many, too 
fast?) but I'm not sure how to tell. Would someone please suggest where/what I 
should be looking into to find out what is causing this effect?

Patricia Keith                  In dwelling, be close to the land.  
NASA Glenn Research Center      In meditation, go deep in the heart
at Lewis Field                  In dealing with others,
Cleveland, OH                                   be gentle and kind.
Phone: (216) 433-5191                           
Fax:   (216) 433-8000

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