>At 10:34 PM 6/12/2002 +0200, Matthias Kümpel wrote:
>>im using a custom TreeCellRender that extends the
>>My getTreeCellRendererComponent( ... ) method looks like:
>>super.getTreeCellRendererComponent( ... );
>>setToolTipText( "Test" );
>>return this;
>>But the ToolTipText isnt displayed on any node ... what am i doing wrong
>>Thanx in advance,
>>Matthias Kümpel

The code you have is fine. You need to add:


to enable tool tips for theTree you created.

Hope this helps.
Patricia Keith                  And how are you spending your dash?  
NASA Glenn Research Center      
at Lewis Field                  
Cleveland, OH                  
Phone: (216) 433-5191                           
Fax:   (216) 433-8000

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