Peter Peterson wrote:
> Any idea whats going on here ?

There have been and are several issues (for years) with in-cell
editing of JTable. Have a look at my articles at

and/or search the bug parade.

In short, from your description you are hitting at least two of them

1) the edit is not terminated reliably if some component outside the
table gets focus. Since jdk1.4.1 you can force that by setting the
client property "terminatesEditOnFocusLost" to Boolean.TRUE.

2) there are two edit modes: one with the editorComponent having the
focus, the other with the JTable keeping the focus (which is the
default). So if your custom editor has any focus-dependent appearance
this appearance will not show in the default mode. Since 1.4 there is
a method setSurrenderFocusOnKeystroke(true) that will try to set the
focus to the editorComponent.

and maybe another:

3) if the editorComponent is a compound component (that is if a child
of the editorComponent needs the focus instead) then the JTable does
the "try" incorrectly.


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