On Tuesday 27. March 2007, Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:
> hi,

Hi Stan

> We use the email greylisting policy for incoming email for us
> and our customers, and it appears that often the email from
> Sunrise network comes with huge delays, from several hours to
> several days.

Yeah greylisting... :-)

> Did anyone else see such problems?

Yes we've seen this from smtp-auth-be-01.sunrise.ch, too.

> Guys from Sunrise, plase contact me directly for more details
> and troubleshooting.

Spam is evil. Very evil. It turns email unreliable. But is it the 
right treatement to add more unreliability?

That's what makes greylistings questionable.

cheers, Michi

George Orwell was an optimist.
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