Claudio Jeker wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:44:46AM +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
>> Starting Monday this week, we've seen a significant delays and
>> timeouts
>> on our upstream name-servers.  We saw something similar on our
>> Hetzner servers, but it seems to have gone away now. Has anyone else
>> seen/experienced name-server issues in the last 2-3 days?
>> I know about the BIND patch from last week, could that somehow be
>> involved?
> Not sure if this is your problem but the bind patch was released
> mostly untested. The new mode allocates tons of filedescriptors and
> fails in various freaky ways. The result is delayed resolving and
> various other failures plus an increased load on the nameserver
> itself.

Thanks, that sounds very possible - I'll have to check with the guys
running the upstream servers.

/Per Jessen, Herrliberg

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