On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 01:27:10PM -0800, Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Marc Balmer <m...@msys.ch>
> > > Anybody knows a good and reliable DNS server that is suitable to run  
> > > on VMware and has a simple gui for management?
> > 
> > Any of the BSDs will do (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD) and the simple gui  
> > is vi.
> > 
> > It rocks, we use it.
> Marc, if you compare the cost of having a UNIX+vi engineer on salary and 
> an apprentice who can do the DNS job easily through a GUI, vi does not 
> rock any more :)

You don't need a UNIX engineer to handle simple admin tasks like editing a
zone file but it may help to have one to administrate the machines.

> Another factor is, that that apprentice might be a girl :)

Girls using VI rock.

:wq Claudio

PS: to my knowledge there is no simple gui for management for good and
reliable DNS server. The closest I know is powerdns that allows to use
various DB backends for the lookups and there are some bad and less bad
web GUIs around the net.

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