Am 27.04.2010 10:15, schrieb Stefan Renner:
Is anybody of you aware, how the most popular services (Google, Zattoo,
Facebook, etc) are matching geographic locations to ip-adresses ?

Our AS (41666) is located in CH, so also all the ripe objects are
registered with country-code CH.

Now we have a customer located in Germany, so I created a inetnum-block
with his subnet in ripe-db with country-code DE. This was a week ago.
The customer is still complaining that he is constantly redirected to
the swiss-versions of all the services.

Does anybody of you experienced a similar problem ? Does anybody knows
proper solution ?

At the time when I was with Zattoo (until Sept. 2008) Maxmind database was
used and was updated every few weeks. I don't think much has changed since then.

Check your IP block using the Maxmind database. I assume you need to assign
at least a /24 to a certain country, smaller blocks will probably not be

Be patient. If the range doesn't get updated at Maxmind, write to them and
ask for assistance.

Once Maxmind is up-to-date, be patient again for a few weeks, and if Zattoo
is still not in sync, you may ask their support for help.


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