On 3/1/11 6:57 PM, Pim van Pelt wrote:
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Philip Iezzi<philip.ie...@datenpark.ch>  wrote:
Hi there

We're a small Swiss hosting provider. Currently we host over 4000 IMAP mail 
accounts on Debian Linux mail servers 
(Postfix/Amavis/Spamassassin/ClamAV/Cyrus). As anti-virus solution we are using 
ClamAV over Amavis (amavisd-new) at the SMTP level.

We are looking for a more professional anti-virus solution and would like to 
add another anti-virus engine
At an ISP I used to work at (BIT in the Netherlands) we had four
scanners on every e-mail: clam, f-prot, sophos and mcafee. All of
these ran under Linux and from amavisd. After I left I think perhaps
that BIT dropped one or more of those, but in my experience there
really were (long tail) virusses that were caught by each engine
separately and uniquely so there was benefit to having more than one

I don't know much about licensing costs, but would offer that this is
largely a game of 'being the persuasive customer' when it comes to
bulk licensing.

I'm gonna add my 2 cents here also...
Why not try Bitdefender ?
Here (in Romania) companies which are mostly medium size are using it without major problems. In the past some years ago there were implementation issues or processes hanging but I think it's quite stable at present.
Please don't start a flame on this :)
Also I don't know the pricing model and if it fits your budget.


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