We have a SwiNOG list for anti-spam, for lawful interception and now for jobs...? What's next? Lists for hardware offerings, IPv6, events...?

I'm a little concerned, that we'll lose overview. Care to explain, why the board thinks, that this is necessary? A job offer once in a while doesn't hurt. SwiNOG is not a very noisy list IMHO.

Kind regards,

On 22.08.2011 13:35, Pascal Gloor wrote:
Dear all,

As per SwiNOG Organisation board decision, a new mailing list has been opened, swinog-j...@lists.swinog.ch <mailto:swinog-j...@swinog.ch>

Topics are:

- Jobs offering
- Jobs seeking
- Discussions about the job market

At least one company, Oprandi & Partner, will be pushing "SwiNOG relevant" job offers.

SwiNOG Relevant = Networking, Programming (WebDev is here too), System Administration and Helpdesk (starting at 2nd level helpdesk).


- swinog@: Jobs topics will no more be tolerated on the main list (no sanctions are planned for trespassers, feel free to self-regulate this by pointing the jobs list to the trespassers :P)
- swinog-jobs@: No archive of the list.
- swinog-jobs@: Member list is strictly private (to ensure no email harvesting will be done). - swinog-jobs@: No "huge" postings, offers must be linked (max email size = 40kb) - swinog-jobs@: accepted-languages: en, de, fr, it; prefered-language: en;\n\n

If you're interested in the new list (it doesn't matter if you're looking for a jobs or not, you might just be interested to know what's going on), please subscribe here:

*--> http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog-jobs <--*

See you,

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