Am Tuesday, 9. December 2014, 15.30:16 schrieb Mike Kellenberger:
> I am seeing mails that can't be delivered to mail servers with
> dns names because these cannot
> be resolved.
> Anybody else experiencing the same thing?

Had a similar issue a couple of weeks ago concerning former cybernet IP ranges 
used now by swisscom busniess customers. All their A and PTR entries got 
deleted from the Swisscom DNS Servers and replaced by slightly different 

Apparently those hostnames were not meant to be used as MX entries etc. 
because swisscom business customers have the ability to set own PTR records 
via customer portal and should do so.

Mit freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen

Benoit Panizzon
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    

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