Dear Swinogers

> yQprysts/edit?usp=sharing

Hmm, I'm now also forced to transfer my domains to a new registrar :-). I had 
to select one of the few that support DNSSEC and IPv6 Glue Records and publish 
IPv6 addresses for their own DNS Servers.

But the transfers is a big bumpy... First I got a duplicate key error, related 
to the fact, that I signed all my domains with the same key. That was not a 
problam at Switch, but the new registrar claims my domains need a unique key 
each, for which I can manage the glue records _after_ the transfer.

The registrar tells me, Switch does not support transfering signed domains. In 
case of a .ch domain, the 'SEC' key would need to be removed prior to the 

The switch 'transfer' helpdesk told me, that they have not yet heard about 
that problem and transfering signed domains should not be a problem. But I got 
the feeling that the agent was not so well informed about the topic DNSSEC.

So did anyone succeed to transfer a signed domains from one registrar to 
another? Or is it mandatory to first remove the DS glue records at switch?

PS: At IMP we also ended up with multiple copies of our 'DNS Admin' Switch NIC 
handle at the different registrars to which we have no access anymore because 
those handels are now owned by customer who transfered their domains.

Wouldn't it be a future improvement to have some kind of handles shared by all 
the registrars? Solved by openid or a similar technique?

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Benoit Panizzon
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    

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CH-4133 Pratteln                Fax  +41 61 826 93 02
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